Marathon Diva 18 years, 8 months ago

Justin- I know your WLS this Friday will be a success because we share the same surgeons office (lol), but its true! They are the best!!! My prayers are with you, Cathy

krispers 18 years, 8 months ago

Yay!! your support card works!! first of all.. .congratulations in making a great decision to improve your health.... i'm wishing you an uneventful and a painless surgery!! the best advice you'll get (and you'll get it a lot) walk walk walk, and sip sip sip your water!! You're gonna do great Justin!!

Janine J. 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Justin....I just read you post about Christmas and I just wanted to wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. Life is going to be so awesome for are going to be healthy like you can't even imagine. I wish you nothing but success in the path you have taken!

1800Bev 18 years, 8 months ago

(((((Justin))))) dude, I promise that you won't be able to eat everything in sight after surgery. It's normal to have pre-op jitters and second guess yourself, heaven knows we've all dieted and failed repeatedly so the old "tapes" play over and over in our head. Here's a visual for ya: When you're on that surgical gurney, just pretend you're doing a bungee jump. Imagine closing your eyes, leaning forward on that bungee platform and trust in God and your Surgeon to bring you back when you hit the end of that stretchy cord. Have Faith. Believe in yourself and your Surgeon's ability to give you the tool that will help you reach your goal. I'm sending additional positive thoughts and prayers your way in hopes that you have a super easy Journey, with a rapid recovery and no complications. Remember, walk walk walk as soon as you are able to help throw off the anesthesia and speed your healing. (((smooches)))

1800Bev 18 years, 8 months ago

(((((Justin))))) dude, I promise that you won't be able to eat everything in sight after surgery. It's normal to have pre-op jitters and second guess yourself, heaven knows we've all dieted and failed repeatedly so the old "tapes" play over and over in our head. Here's a visual for ya: When you're on that surgical gurney, just pretend you're doing a bungee jump. Imagine closing your eyes, leaning forward on that bungee platform and trust in God and your Surgeon to bring you back when you hit the end of that stretchy cord. Have Faith. Believe in yourself and your Surgeon's ability to give you the tool that will help you reach your goal. I'm sending additional positive thoughts and prayers your way in hopes that you have a super easy Journey, with a rapid recovery and no complications. Remember, walk walk walk as soon as you are able to help throw off the anesthesia and speed your healing. (((smooches)))

DaddyDave 18 years, 8 months ago

Best wishes to you buddy on your upcoming surgery. May you have an uneventful surgery and a quick and speedy recovery free from complications. Dave

neicimarie 18 years, 8 months ago

Your surgery date is the best day in the world because it's my birthday :) I know you will do fine. Wishing you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery.

Shannon 18 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations on your up and coming surgery. Wishing you the best. Take care

Justin M. 18 years, 9 months ago

I am looking forward to becoming acquainted with other people in the area who have had the surgery. Please leave your comments. Thanx =)
About Me
Manteca, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2005
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 30
JUNE 10, 2007 **HELLA BORED!!**
DECEMBER 7, 2006
NOVEMBER 24, 2006
NOVEMBER 12, 2006
MAY 26, 2006
APRIL 14, 2006
