Linda S. 18 years, 4 months ago

My prayers go out to you. Stay strong girl!

Linda S. 18 years, 4 months ago

My prayers go out to you. Stay strong girl!

PatP 18 years, 4 months ago

Looking forward to seeing you back here soon. Here's to a speedy recovery. Pat P

Kathy K. 18 years, 4 months ago

Hi Shirley. So happy to hear you're doing so much better. Rest up! I hope you get home quickly! It's so much faster and easier to recuperate at home! Kathy

lightswitch 18 years, 4 months ago

That is great news. Shirley, it's time to get up and get to moving. It is so good to hear you are improving and will be back with us soon. Know that I am thinking of you and praying for you a speedy recovery.

clemmensen3199 18 years, 4 months ago

Shirley has been moved from ICU and is recovering nicely at this point. I have not heard anything on a discharge date but if she progresses as is I am sure it will be forthcoming soon. Thank you all for your prayers. She and her family appreciate them.--Michele

karen C. 18 years, 4 months ago

Shirley, So sorry to hear about your complications. Hoping that as each day passes you're feeling a bit better. Looking forward to following the wonderful journey that you will soon be experiencing. Focus on the good to come. Soon you'll be feeling better and back with us on OFF. Karen C

boomerkaren 18 years, 4 months ago

Shirley, I am so glad to hear your are doing better post op and off the respirator. You had lots of prayers and positve thoughts going your way yesterday and they continue today. Micheles' updates have allowed me to keep OFF up to date as well. Hope all continues to improvee for you and you get out of the hospital soon. Karen

clemmensen3199 18 years, 4 months ago

Things look much brighter today. The doctors took her off the respirator today. She is doing much better. She is experiencing minor discomfort but all in all is managing the pain well. She is able to talk on the phone and I know she is thankful for all of your prayers and kind wishes. I will provide more information as it becomes available. Her niece--Michele

clemmensen3199 18 years, 4 months ago

Things look much brighter today. The doctors took her off the respirator today. She is doing much better. She is experiencing minor discomfort but all in all is managing the pain well. She is able to talk on the phone and I know she is thankful for all of your prayers and kind wishes. I will provide more information as it becomes available. Her niece--Michele
About Me
Southeastern, CO
Surgery Date
May 26, 2002
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 20
1 Year out....
March 2007 Dr. Visit
Progress is slow but it's still progress!!
9 lbs down....
11/14/06 check up
10/21/06 Little Bits
10/14/06 Follow up visit
9/25/06 Ahhhhhhhh.....HOME !!!
9/19/06 And now the time has come...
9/14/06 One More Week!!
