
Oct 24, 2006

I walked around the Yale Loop again.  Five miles.  Interestingly, this time was hard.  And I really did work up a sweat.  More interestingly, when I was done, my hands were very swollen.  I don't quite know why.

And for the past few days, the head hunger has been maddening.  I so want to eat and eat and eat.  I know I shouldn't, but it's pretty overwhelming.  There's also an aching in my Lean Pocket that I sometimes think would be calmed and soothed by something cool and dairy, like cottage cheese or yogurt.  I'm trying awfully hard to resist the urge to keep putting things down there.  I truly hate this feeling.

Perhaps the best thing is to just try to fall asleep.  I can't eat when I'm asleep.

I tried waiting it out--that aching feeling in the Lean Pocket--but at midnight, I wasn't able to fall asleep and I was still in discomfort.  So I had a yogurt.  I feel much better.  Sometimes, you just have to listen to your body, no matter what your "sensibilities" tell you to the contrary.


Oct 21, 2006

Dammit, I'm back up two and a half pounds.  I don't get it.  Today I weigh 183.6.  I'm genuinely pissed off.


Oct 21, 2006

I'm frustrated.  I've been carefully counting every calorie that passes my lips, and ensuring that I get no more than 1100 a day, preferably closer to 900.  I count every gram of protein, and make sure I get at least 75 to 80 a day, usually more.  I drink water and decaffeinated beverages.  I exercise.  

So why am I up two pounds?  Why can't I get back to losing?  

I was feeling pretty good about myself and my looks.  Now I'm not so sure.  I think things on my body are shifting again, and I'm dissatisfied with my appearance.  

So I signed up for a few sessions with a personal trainer.  It's my hope to get things moving in the right direction again.


Oct 20, 2006

What an idiot!

The guy sounded wonderful when we first started communicating (mature, world traveled, successful, and had a lot of common interests).  We talked a lot about things that are significant and important to us.  He knows about my gastric bypass and is really happy for me that I beat the diabetes and got healthy.  Last night I went on a first date with him.

Over dinner, the conversation was....interesting.  Conversation is usually a two way street, but this guy was intent on hearing himself talk.  So much so, in fact, that every time I did get a word in edgewise, he asked me to repeat myself.  He simply wasn't interested enough to be an active listener in the conversation.  I was just sitting there as a captive audience for him to hear himself talk about how "wonderful" he is.  I hate that.  Strike one.

As we sat over dinner, I couldn't help but notice how messy the table was becoming.  As I slowly picked at the chicken in my caesar salad, he was eating like a rottweiler.  The food was everywhere--on the plate, on the table, on the seat, on the floor.  Strike two.

Then came the
coup de grâce.  When I asked him about his longest relationship, he told me that he'd dated her for seven years, during which time she gained a lot of weight.  She wanted to move in with him, but he told her that she couldn't until she was no longer fat.  STRIKE THREE, YOU'RE OUT!

As if that weren't enough, he had the gall to ask me what kind of birth control I used (which I told him was none of his damned business and then I added that birth control is a MUTUAL responsibility because I certainly didn't want to contract any of his herpes or genital warts, thank you very much!).  

But wait!  There's more!

On first dates, I conduct a little test of a man's social intelligence:  When the check comes, I reach for my wallet.  On at LEAST the first date, the GENTLEMAN should insist I not contribute to the tab.  Maybe this is old fashioned (and I truly don't mind my contributing once a relationship is established!) but this little dance tells me a lot about a man's values, respectfulness and social graces.  This moron actually let me pay part of the bill.

I thanked him.  He didn't know why, and I didn't tell him.  But he did me an enormous favor.  He let me check him off the list of men who will ever get anywhere near me ever again.


Oct 19, 2006

Thirteenth Protein Powder Review:
Protein Delite, Almond Coconut Flavor
I purchased this sample from vitalady.com.  Very little scent of whey in the sample.  Strong almond scent, which I particularly like.  Delicious blend of almond and coconut flavorings, and again, I detect teeny tiny pieces of coconut in the shake.

The sample I received was 1.5 scoops, the equivalent of 30 grams of protein.  According to the nutritional information I found online, one scoop has 110 calories, so this shake has about 165. 

A winner.  :-)


Oct 18, 2006

Ninth Protein Powder Review:
Nectar Protein, Apple Ecstasy Flavor
Remember that old song, "God Didn't Make the Little Green Apples?"  

Neither did Nectar.

This stuff turned the most curious shade of green I've ever seen since the skin of the Wicked Old Witch in the Wizard of Oz.  

It had a tart flavor, like a good Granny Smith, but didn't taste very good to me and I could still taste the protein.

Out of respect to the Wicked Old Witch, as it oozed and melted its way down the drain, I shoulted, "I'm melting!"  

Tenth Protein Powder Review:
Optimum Nutrition Protein, Vanilla Ice Cream Flavor
I smelled the whey and didn't have high hopes for this one.  My expectations proved correct.  Feh.

Vanilla Ice Cream, say hello to the Wicked Old Witch on your way to the ocean.

Eleventh Protein Powder Review:
Sci Fit Whey Protein, Banana Flavor
"Come, Mister Tally-man!  Tally Me Bananas!  Daylight Come and Me Wan' Go Home."

This has a definite banana flavor.  Unfortunately, I have found over the years that anything labeled "banana flavor" only has a casual resemblance to a true banana flavor, and this was no exception to the rule.  Very artificial banana flavoring.

In all fairness, it is tolerable, and would provide a good change of pace once in a while.  But would I spend my hard earned money to buy a tub of this stuff?  Not on your life.

Twelfth Protein Powder Review:
Unjury Protein, Chocolate Flavor
I purchased this sample from Unjury.  One packet has 20 grams of protein and 90 calories when mixed with water.  When the packet is opened, it does have the familiar whey smell, but it's not overpowering enough to put me off trying the sample.

I have to admit, I am pleasantly surprised by the results.  I can barely smell the whey, much less taste it at all.  It has a thin consistency, leaves virtually no negative aftertaste, and has a superfine texture to it.

This is a real alternative for people who have difficulty with most protein supplements.  Personally, I have found other proteins I prefer, but I would recommend this product without hesitation.


Oct 17, 2006

Sixth Protein Powder Review:
Sci Fit Whey Protein, Peach Sherbert Flavor
I love peaches.  Love, love, love 'em.  I have no idea why this was labelled "peach," though.  Doesn't smell peach, doesn't taste peach, doesn't look peach.  Just something generically lightly sweet.  

Now I don't know about you, but my philosophy is that since there's so little room in the Lean Pocket, I'm not wasting it on crap like this.  If I'm going to eat something, dammit, it had better be good.  

Down the drain with this sample. 

Seventh Protein Powder Review:
Pro Complex, Vanilla Flavor
Blech.  Not very vanilla.  Not yummy.  Not worth my money.  Strong whey protein flavor.   

I waved goodbye as it plopped down the drain.

Eighth Protein Powder Review:
Protein Delite, Chocolate Coconut Flavor
I received this sample from vitalady.com.  One scoop has 20 grams of protein, and she sent a 1.5 scoop sample.  I blenderized it in the normal fashion, with 8 oz. of cold, filtered water and five ice cubes.

YOWZA is this good!  Macaroons!  It tastes JUST like the macaroons I have at Passover.  Very strong coconut flavor, but that MIGHT be because there's actual bits of coconut floating around in it!  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I did a double take, picked some out and chewed on it to make sure I wasn't seeing things.  Holy cow!  REAL coconut.  No wonder this stuff tastes sooooo good.  And WAIT!!  Is that?  Could it be?  Be still my beating heart, YES!!  Bits of chocolate too?!  Bliss!!!

Then it hit me--oh no!--this stuff is probably LOADED with calories.  God bless Google, because I was able to locate nutritional information lickety split, and Lo and Behold!  One scoop has a mere 112 calories!   DING DING DING DING DING!  A WINNER, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

To sum it up in three little words:  "Add to Cart."


Oct 16, 2006

Fifth Protein Powder Review:
Multi-Pro Whey Isolate, Vanilla Cinnamon Flavor
I received this sample from vitalady.com.  One scoop has 26 grams of protein and about 106 calories.  I blenderized with 8 oz. of filtered water and five ice cubes. 

A winner!  Deee-freaking-licious.  Not overly sweet, but really lovely.  I mean, this could be a dessert.  A light cinnamon flavor mixed with a just-right vanilla balance.  Very, very slight aftertaste of protein, but barely noticeable, and certainly well masked by the vanilla and cinammon.  

This one's a no-brainer, and I will definitely buy this again.


I accomplished another goal today from my list of 30.  In my neighborhood is a road called the Yale Loop.  The loop is five miles long.  

I walked the whole thing, without stopping, in under two hours.

I can't believe I accomplished it.  A year ago, it would have been impossible.  It's so surreal and weird to me....I'm wearing size 14 pants, and ladies' size L tops; I'm able to do things I never dreamed possible; I'm getting an incredible amount of attention from men; I'm fitting into "normal" sized places, and best of all, the diabetes is GONE.  

I'm afraid I'm going to wake up from this dream and be soooo disappointed when I realize it was just wishful thinking.  I want someone to pinch me.  It seems just too good to be true. 

The List of Goals, Revisited on 10/16/06

Oct 15, 2006

I created a list of 30 goals for myself back when this journey began.  Now that I'm down about 75 pounds, it is time to revisit the list and see what I've accomplished.  Sixteen down, fourteen to go:

  1. Not cringing at turnstiles—DONE.     
  2. Walking comfortably through the center aisle of a schoolbus.     
  3. Throwing out my diabetic meds—DONE.   
  4. Sitting in a single-unit schooldesk with room between my belly and the desk—DONE.     
  5. Not needing a seatbelt extender on airplanes.     
  6. Not being the fattest one in the room—DONE.     
  7. Being able to walk the Yale Loop—DONE.    
  8. Buying naughty things from Frederick’s and Victoria’s Secret.     
  9. Going for a haircut and not feeling embarrassed when they pump/raise the chair.     
  10. Asking the salesgirl to find it in a smaller size—DONE.     
  11. Choosing any seat I want, not just the one that looks sturdy.     
  12. Turning heads.     
  13. Crossing my legs—DONE.     
  14. Not having waistbands or bras cut into my flesh.     
  15. Being picky about clothes—DONE.    
  16. Dancing without everything bouncing.    
  17. Reading the scale by looking straight down.     
  18. Not being afraid of the scale in any doctor’s office—DONE.     
  19. Flirting and not looking like a fool—DONE.     
  20. Wearing sexy shoes—DONE.     
  21. Not feeling like a freak at swimming pools and beaches.     
  22. Handing off my fat clothes to someone—DONE.     
  23. Borrowing skinny clothes from someone—DONE.     
  24. Being able to wrap a regular sized towel all the way around me at the gym.    
  25. Not having to wedge my ass into the seats at a baseball stadium or hockey arena—DONE.     
  26. People not recognizing me—DONE.     
  27. A man loaning me his jacket out of chivalry, and the jacket is way too big on me.     
  28. Really wondering, “Do these jeans make my butt look fat?” without already knowing the answer.     
  29. Not shying away from cameras—DONE.    
  30. Not wondering, as a man picks me up and twirls me around, whether I’ve just given him a hernia. 


Oct 15, 2006

Second Protein Powder Review:
Pro Blend 55, Vanilla Flavor
I received this sample from vitalady.com.  One scoop has 27 grams of protein.  I blenderized with 8 oz. of filtered water and five ice cubes. 

While the sample definitely had the familiar vanilla taste, the vanilla was not enough to mask the taste of the whey.  It tasted and smelled like a protein drink.  I threw it out.

Third Protein Powder Review:
Universal Whey Ultra, Vanilla Ice Cream Flavor
I received this sample from vitalady, too, and mixed it up as I did the others.  Man, was this stuff funky.  It is sweet, but has a very artificial, chemical flavor and aftertaste to it.  It reminds me a lot of the artificial marshmallow ice cream cone candies we had as kids; they tasted neither like ice cream nor like marshmallows.  They were just sweet and weird.

I threw this out, too.

Fourth Protein Powder Review:
Iso Fruit Delite, Cantaloupe Flavor
I received this sample from vitalady as well, and prepared it as I did the others.  This one was interesting.

Dry, the sample is the same color as the vanilla powders.  When prepared, though, it attains the very palest pink coloring I've ever seen.  It's downright girly.

It actually does smell like melon and it does definitely have a melon flavor to it.  There is an aftertaste that I don't much care for, and I doubt I would purchase this again. 

To be fair, I can't ever envision myself blenderizing real canteloupe as a beverage, and so maybe this isn't a drink I'd enjoy ever.  Down the sink it goes.

About Me
Irvine, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 21, 2005
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