Rick J. 23 years ago

Well... 14 days on the losing side and I am starting to really enjoy being here. I am down 30 lbs. already. I have been very weak, but had my staples removed yesterday and was put on the pureed diet and able to start getting my protein in. I am already doing better and have started slowly on the treadmill. Tonight is the first time since pre-op that I can hit the keyboard keys and have the right ones come up as they should. Talk to you all soon. Thanks so much for helping me get this far. Rick

Sharon B. 23 years ago

Hi Rick!~ I just read your post and i want you to know it does get better and better and i will keep you lifted up in prayer for your full recovery and strength. Just hang in there!~

Karen Renee 23 years ago

Dear Rick, The energy will come in time. Thank G-d you made it ok. Thinking and praying for you. Many regards.

Rick J. 23 years ago

Hi everyone, Sorry to take so long to update(I am now 8 days post op.), but Although I feel very good I have almost no energy yet. I spend what I do have walking in the house. I have not even started to answer all of the wonderful messages I received. I have read everyone of them and will hopefully start answering them within a few days. I get my staples removed on Monday. Will try to keep a decent journal of my journey. Have much to tell you about my view of Angels. Mine certainly helped me through the preveous rough days. Love ya all, Rick

Sue B. 23 years ago

Rick~ I'm glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Congratulations on your new life!

Cinna G. 23 years ago

Congrats on your cross over to the losing side. I hope it just gets better from here on out. Best wishes.

Lisa D. 23 years ago

Yeah! Rick Johnson is home from the hospital, exactly one week from the day he went in. He used to have to take Glipizide and Glucophage, oral medications for his diabetes. Now he is on NOTHING and holding stable blood sugars at about 115. He says he feels good, no problems, and as of this morning, one week postop, has lost 13 & 1/2 pounds, which is something, considering he was in the hospital and you can't move around a whole lot there. He has no hunger, but no nausea either. He's doing great. Angel signing off....

Yvonne R. 23 years ago

Hey Rick, glad to hear you're getting close to going home. Best wishes.

Lisa D. 23 years ago

Talked to Rick Johnson this morning. He sounds great! Tried to call him yesterday and just got a ringing phone. Not sure what that was about. Anyway, he will probably get to go home from the hospital today, one week postop. He has to wait for a diabetes consult about titrating a sliding scale of insulin for him, which he says doesn't make sense, because he's never been on insulin before (except in the immediate postop period in the recovery room), only oral diabetes medication and he shouldn't even need that, now. Hopefully all will become clear at the consult. He got the 2 cards I mailed to the hospital, Yea! He told me, "Lisa, the pain really isn't much, even having it open like I did." He is currently in love with ice chips, having no hunger. He says he has zero stomach or abdominal area pain. I can't wait to talk to him when he's at home again, no longer a hospital patient. He is always so upbeat and positive - an inspiration to me, as well as a lot of us who are, like Rick, "older". Angel signing off....

Lisa D. 23 years ago

Talked to Rick Johnson again this morning. They just moved him out of ICU to a private room. His surgery was Tuesday and today, Saturday he left ICU. Got his NG tube out yesterday and all drains, etc are now out and he's "unencumbered". Is having 1 ounce of liquids every hour or so. Had his first BM, and like many, there is diarrhea initially. He didn't sound to crazy about having to use the potty chair instead of being allowed to go to the bathroom. Makes me wonder, do they even MAKE potty chairs big enough for people like us? Or are you in the one-cheek-on, one-cheek-off predicament? Maybe it is better if I don't even THINK about this ! Rick sounds GREAT. I asked him when they were going to let him go home and give up that bed to someone who is actually SICK ? He said maybe Monday. That will make a whole week they've kept him. Maybe the extra time is because he has diabetes and emphysema, not sure. But he is one tough son-of-a-gun - He came through this bravely and unflinching every step of the way. Wish that we could all be as strong as Rick. His surgeon stopped by and said, "Thank you for doing so well for me." I asked, "Did you tell him you didn't do it for HIM?" Rick said, "He knows that." And the nurse who saved Rick's life (my post yesterday was about that) , Rick made sure that the surgeon and the hospital knew about him. His sense of humor is still alive and well, along with the rest of Rick! Angel signing off...
About Me
St. Petersburg, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2001
Member Since
