Happy New Year

Dec 28, 2007

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Happy New Year

Dec 28, 2007

Insurance Letter is finally complete

Dec 27, 2007

December 30, 2007

PO Box 981107
El Paso, TX 79998-1107

Dear Insurance Provider,

I am requesting your pre-approval for my weight loss surgery. I am a 36 year old female 5 foot 10 inches and 275lbs. My earliest recollection of being overweight was in the third grade. At which time each student in the class was called to the teacher’s desk and weighed. I was terrified to see that I was the only child in the class that was over 100lbs. Since that time I have been conscious of my weight. In high school the diets began one after another, with occasional successful attempts at weight loss. However maintaining the weight loss was and still is the problem. Usually regaining 5-10 or more pounds. I now understand that only 5% of dieters maintain their weight loss long term.

I have had numerous Aetna policies, some of which had exclusions against weight loss surgery and have been denied for weight loss surgery under other policies because my BMI was less than 40 (closer to 37)and I had no major co-morbidities. As a result of not having the procedure sooner and not loosing the excess weight, I now have many co morbidities. I am now type II diabetic, I have obstructive sleep apnea, hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, depression and my physician attempted to put me on antihypertensive medications at which time I chose to attempt to control my blood pressure with diet and exercise. I believe that all of these disease processes could have been prevented with weight loss surgery earlier. I pray that my health does not have to deteriorate further before I have financial assistance from my insurance carrier for the procedure.

For many years I knew I would reach my weight loss goals, always trying to remain hopeful that every pound I lost would be followed by yet another pound lost never to return. For this reason I saw no need to maintain the records of my weight loss. I never dreamed that this is where I would be today, the weight was suppose to stay off.

Obesity alone decreases life expectancy 2-5 years, add diabetes to that equation and not only is the life expectancy decreased, but so is quality with an increase in cost. The US department of health and human services states that approximately 300,000 deaths a year in the United States can be attributed to obesity many of which are avoidable if weight loss goals had been acheived. Studies indicate that many diseases such as diabetes can be cured with weight loss surgery. Curing diabetes and obesity early also reduces the risk of coronary artery disease, renal failure and hypertension among many other diseases all of which cost patients and insurance companies. The CDC posts that treatment of diseases related to the obese and overweight population cost private insurances $28.1 in 1998 and 9.1% of the total U.S. medical expenditures for the same year.

Obesity personally effects my life in many ways. I have a daughter who has missed out on mother daughter activities such as riding a bicycle together or playing on the floor. I could never describe all of the emotional aspects that being overweight causes to myself and my family. I am a nurse caring for chronically ill children, my obesity has impacted my career in many ways. I have had to decrease my work load as I can not be on my feet for long periods therefore affecting my income.

Please consider these facts in you decision to help save my health now and the remainder of my life..

Thank You,



Speaking of weight loss surgery

Dec 27, 2007

It annoys me beyond belief when people say that WLS is the "easy" way out.  I disagree.......the easy way out is to turn your head and denny there is a problem.  Obesity is a problem.....face it head on.  My new thing to say when people say surgery is the easy way out is to say "then what are you waiting for", if its easy go do it.

The journey continues

Dec 27, 2007

It is amazing how much we can learn about ourselves if we only pay attention.
I have been called "many a thing" in my life and been told many others about myself.  But what I am realizing now is that poeple think that I am aemotional or emotionaless.  Im not one to wear my feelings of care, affection, concern, etc. on my sleeve. That said if Im mad or sad everyone knows it.  The truth is I am a very emtotional person.........I just choose not to show it for many reasons. One reason is that I would be a blubbering idiot If I expressed every emotion that I experience...how much fun would that be?  The other is in fear......fear of criticism or judgement.  See I dislike it when people think they know me or asume that I feel one way or another for one reason or another.  The other reason is that some people are too self consumed to see what I have to offer.  
I am relearning my self worth.......you see I knew it at one point but allowed other things and people to make me loose focus of it.
Wow......this journey is barely beginning......who knew that possible WLS could change a person soooo much.  I just wish that everyone in my life could be so happy for me.  My one and only goal in this journey is to get to the bottom of my (for lack of a better term) food addiction.  Why is it that when I sit down to eat I can not stop until I am so full that I can barely breath?  What is the pain that I am feeding?

New Year's resolution

Dec 26, 2007

Man, have I made one or two in the past.  But only a few have come to pass.
This year 2008:
-Avoid those that make me feel worse about my self than I already do
-No more caffeine
-Live life to its most everyday
-Make more friends
-Enjoy the transformtion that is taking place, regardless of what others think or say
-control my temper
-be a better mom and wife


Dec 24, 2007

Merry Merry Christmas to all......

Lately I have learned alot about myself and how I relate to others.  I recently noticed that when new people come into my life I rarely give them the time of day even when they are trying hard to get to know me.  I have for years thought that I didn't need friends and have avoided people who have tried to befriend me and have been annoyed by those who call and what to get togather, made every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't.  Would even avoid answering the phone and not return calls.  Why i'm still not sure.  I even realize how my actions must have made then feel.  And I now wonder why they even bothered.  Maybe I thought freinds were too much trouble?  Oddly enough I am finding that those same people greatly intrest me and I long to spend time with them.  
I am finding that when I allow it, new people in my life are meaning alot to me.  I am able to see good in people when I never could before.  What a journey this has been already.
I am crossing new territory in life with the plans for the surgery and find that I have to do what I have to do for me, not for those around me.  Those who have their own thoughts and opinions about me and the surgery.  If I make the wrong choice so be it......at least it was my decision and not what someone else thought I should do.
I have made mistakes without a doubt, I have done things that I shouldn't have done and should have done thing that I didn't because of what others thought.  Its time to let others think and do what they must.
Im move'n on 
I believe that people come into and out of our lives for a reason.  Its up to us to allow it to happen.  Maybe sometimes it could have been different but what is is.
When the dollar is spent there is nothing left.

Christmas pics

Dec 24, 2007

have fun

Dec 20, 2007


must see

Dec 20, 2007

Need a Snow Day?

Must see..........merry christmas

About Me
baytown, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2007
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