K. in Ky 20 years, 7 months ago

HI Dianne: I read your story and I'm truly sad for what you've had to endure. But one thing that struck me was your spirit. You're tough and you're a fighter! No, a Warrior. We're all warriors of sorts but you have truly persevered in your fight towards better health. I pray that you are restored and that your body continues to rally against all that you've had to deal with. My prayers and cyber hugs are heading your way! Sincerely, Kathryn in Kentucky

Squawmeemaw 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear God I thank you for sustaining this family and our Diane through these trying days. We ask for peace and comfort for them and understanding of your plan. If it is Your will that we get to have Diane back with us, we thank you. If it is Your will that she go home to be with you, we ask for understanding and strength. It is in Jesus' name we pray, Cynthia

Grace H. 20 years, 7 months ago


Barbara Lucinda S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear Diane, I am asking God to send a special blessing your way that you may find healing, peace and comfort. BLS

Teresa D. 20 years, 7 months ago

Heavenly Father, Thank you so much for all of the blessings you've bestowed on me. I come to you to ask for a miracle of healing, not for myself but for our AMOS sister, Diane. She is your child and she desperately needs your help right now, Lord, so please wrap your arms around her, re-assure her of your presence and heal her in body, mind and spirt. This I ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Frayer T. 20 years, 7 months ago

Gracious heavenly Father,we lift up to you your servant Diane and her family. As we pray a miracle, we know your will will be done. Grant your loving peace to Diane, her family and all who love her. We ask it all in your loving name. Amen Frayer

DonnaG 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear Lord, Father we praise you, worship you and honor you. Father tonight a fellow member needs your help. She is fighting for her life father and at this time only you can save her. Father please give her peace and comfort. Father please lay your hands upon her and heal her father, as we know only can. Father, gift her strength, give her peace, have mercy on her Father. Father we ask you to give her comfort and her family comfort during this situation. Father, thank you for your wonderful presence, your love and understanding. Father, thank you for always being there for us. Father, we ask all of this in the name of the Holy Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God I asked that you send a flock of angels to comfort and protect her. Father heal her mind, body and spirit. Amen.

Tee S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear Diane, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that whatever is making you ill will be removed by God;s grace and mercy. God Bless you. Tomeia

jgoldinger 20 years, 7 months ago

I am praying for you. May you get better with each passing moment!! J.

yvonne T. 20 years, 7 months ago

oh LORD i pray for diane's family and freinds. i send a prayer to you and the THE SON. HELP THEM to keep the faith. LORD i pray to you for diane, look down on her and smile at her and let the flow of your love go in to her and heal her. oh LORD i ask this in your name and i ask your son to bless this prayer and over see this prayer to see it is done. i also as LORD that you give all who are with her great heart to know your will, will be done. and to see your work become a miracle. I ask this in your sons name amen. and I THANK YOU FOR THIS MIRACLE NOW AND BELEIVE WITH ALL MY HEART THAT IS WELL BE SO. YVONNE
About Me
Lake Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2002
Member Since
