Week 3's checkin

May 11, 2007

My weigh in was disapointing as I knew it would be. I understand that from my actions threw the week was going to affect my weight loss. My total weight loss this week was 3 lbs.  I did find out that i am 5'7 today not 5'6. hey every little bit helps...lol.....After monday this week I will be going pure liquid. I feel this will help me with maintaining my addiction to food. Oh and some good news! I went from a size 32 (eeks) to a 28! I am so thankful that i did not through away any of my jeans! 

Total weight loss is :22


WEEK 2 of medifast

May 09, 2007

Hi everyone! Sorry this is a little late! My current weight loss on friday was 6lbs! My total weight loss is 19lbs. When i made my last post i had counted the -1 lb from monday when i went in to get checked out. I have had a hard week this week, but i now have my butt back in gear. I went out walking again today and have been very faithful today. I have placed a 2.5 gallon of water on my desk to remind me to drink! I get weighed in again on friday. today is wednesday. I am curious to see how much i lost but i know and understand that do to my choices that i made that the weight loss may not be much if any. we will keep our fingers crossed. The girls that i work with say that they can definatley see the changes. I keep a front and side picture in my cubilce to remind me what i am working towards. I will suceed and win!


14 pounds down!

Apr 30, 2007

hey everyone! it official as of today my weight is 360.4 thats a 14lbs weight loss in 9 days! I am so hungry on the medifast!!!!  This morning i went in for a U/S of my liver, kidneys, and spleen, and probley more. The U/s was standing up, during this time i got extremely light headed and a started with a cold clamy sweat. I also started getting tunnel vision and then started dry heaving, this truly sucked...lol..I sat down for a little bit then started doing better. The Upper GI study was next and i had no issues during this test. I then went over to Dr. Clarkes office to get checked out seeing this was not the first time this week that this had happened. They did my BP which was way up there 178/98. I sat in the waiting room for an hour and drank fluids and my medifast. I feel a little better now but my throat is still very sore and burning :(
I will keep you up to date as more comes.


Week 1 Of Medifast!

Apr 26, 2007

I started Medifast on Saturday, it is now day 6. My pre-op diet at this point consists on 4 medifast shakes, at least 64 oz of water last but not least a 5oz portion of lean protein and a 1 1/2 cups veggies or 1 1/2 cups salad with 1/2 veggies. I have been very good, I drink about 100oz a day, and have the joy of running to the bathroom every hour...ughhhh, but hey it gets the walking in. I can not wait till tomorrow to get weighed at Dr. Clarkes. Whens the last time I said that..lol.. I am looking to meet friends and support buddies. I am a very open and friendly person and I want to talk to everyone..lolter and

weight loss chart

Date Weight Loss This Period Total Loss Comments

start weight
medifast wk1
medifast wk2
medifast weigh in
medifast weigh in
1st week check up

About Me
Valatie, NY
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 25
on the binge again!
October and past way there!
3 months out!
Almost 7 weeks out!
Ok things are getting better!
ouch...is the word of the day....
weight loss chart
new ticker
