piperkc 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Charlote best of luck to you on your big day. Have a safe journey to the other side, and a speedy recovery Angela in Canada Pre-op 479 BMI 75 Dr Michael Grace May 16, 2002 London Health Sciences Center I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely..I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

Carol D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hello Charlotte! I am so happy for you that tomorrow is your "BIG" day! May God's grace shine down upon you, and keep you safe. Good Luck you looser!!

Kitty G. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Charlotte, Best wishes to you with your surgery! Your exciting new life is close at hand. Enjoy the journey.

vmize 22 years, 7 months ago

*********ANGEL ALERT****************************** Charlotte's big day is tomorrow!! If you haven't had a chance to visit her surgery page and send her your love and support pleasssssssse do it now. Tomorrow I will be printing up her card and sending it to her. I will post updates as I get them. Charlotte, I'm soooo proud of your decision to have this surgery. I know that you will be so happy that you did. Lots of angel hugs coming your way, and remember you're always in my prayers!!!! Luv ya, Vicki

Judi W. 22 years, 7 months ago

Charlotte~~ Wishing Good Luck and God's care to you on your Surgery Day and throughout your journey toward health and well-being. I am interested to hear of your progress and experiences...hope you'll update your profile when you are on the other side. (I'd love to see your pictures!!)

Jan N. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Charlotte, Just wanted to wish you the very best for your upcoming surgery and recovery. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Jan

Jeanie B. 22 years, 7 months ago

Charlotte, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I wish you a very speedy and uneventful recovery. Jeanie

vmize 22 years, 7 months ago

*******ANGEL COMING IN FOR A LANDING************** Charlotte's big day is this Friday, yes she only has 2 days and a wake-up to go!! Its getting close now Charlotte. Before you know it you will have become an official member of the loser's club!!! I can't wait to be the first one to welcome you to the other side!! Love ya girlfriend, Vicki

vwilhoite 22 years, 7 months ago

Charlotte~~One more day until your day has finally arrived. I am wishing you the best for a speedy recovery. Make sure to keep us posted. My prayers are with you ! :o)

walkerl35 22 years, 7 months ago

Good Luck Charlotte!!! I am praying for you and will right by your side if you need me. I will be to see you on Monday and I hope everything goes as planned...Looking forward to seeing you disappear before my eyes!!! GOOD LUCK!
About Me
Houston, Tx
Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2001
Member Since
