************ANGEL UPDATE**************************
I have a new update on Charlotte's condition. She had a pretty rough night with her blood pressure continuing to drop until at one point it was down to 80/48 and they wouldn't allow her to have any pain meds at all. Today she is doing better and she passed her leak test so her sister is pushing fluids on her and making her do her breathing, she stayed at the hospital with her last night and will stay again tonight. I just called the hospital and spoke with Charlotte and she sounded good and she said that she even walked abit today. I knew she wouldn't let anything keep her down for long!! Lets all send her our well wishes for a speedy recovery. Her number in her room at the hospital is 713-827-6001. If you haven't had a chance to sign Charlotte's surgery card please do it now because tomorrow I will be printing it out to send to her. Lets all surround her with all of our AMOS family love!! Way to go Charlotte, you're on your way now you big loser!!!
Luv ya,