Closer to a Date!

Feb 10, 2008

It's been a while. I have completed all the required pre-op tests. The EKG was done incorrectly to start with so I had to get a cardiologist to clear me for the surgery. Kind of frustrating; but now I know there is nothing wrong with my heart. I met with the cardiologist on 2/5 to get the results of all my tests. This Friday I decided to call my surgeon's office to see if they received the reports from the cardio so they can submit my package to insurance. Surprisingly, they had already received it and my package went out on 2/1. So now I'm just waiting on the insurance approval before my date can be scheduled. YAY!
Now, of course, I'm having feelings of "I wonder if I can really do this." And, if started looking at the foods I won't be able to eat anymore and think I'll really miss them. Just nerves I guess...I'm sure it will pass. I try to change my thinking to what it will be like to wear normal clothes and not feel so self concious out in public. That seems like a dream! That's all for now. I'll update when I have a date. Keep your fingers crossed it will be soon. Tuesday is my birthday, I can't think of a better present than a date to get my band! Happy Valentine's Day!

Another step closer to the band!

Dec 31, 2007

I can check the nutritionist off my checklist! I met with her on the 28th and she was very easy to talk to. I feel less  apprehensive now that I know what to expect. And the good news...I can use up the protein drinks I have left from the Metabolic center during the liquid stage. That's good because I already know I like them and they'll be used rather than tossed. 
The next step, the psych eval on 1/2 and bloodwork. I can get that all done this week and then I'll just have to work on my records from my Dr to submit to the ins. co. in the packet. 
I'm starting 2008 with a lean protein, low carb eating regimen in prepartation for my new band! YEAH! This is the first time I'm thinking, "I can do this!"


Dec 04, 2007

Another month and another step. I've been waiting since my informational seminar on 11/15 to find out if insurance even covers the LapBand System. And, I learned today that it does! Yeah! I have my first appointment with the doctor next Wednesday. There is a possibility I'll have to do a 6 month supervised eating program before insurance will approve, but I'm looking at that as training for a new thinner life. This was a major hurtle and now I think I just have to cross all my "t's" and dot all the 'i's" and move on. Maybe I'll get lucky and they won't need it to pre-certify the surgery. Nonetheless, whatever weight I lose and however I lose it in this's never coming back!

Baby Steps

Nov 04, 2007

It's been a while since I've made an entry here. Since I started this profile, I've taken some baby steps. I talked to my mom about the surgery and she is very supportive. She works at a hospital in my home town and knows several people who have experienced great success with lapband surgery. There is a surgeon there who does this surgery and did my dad's abdomenal hernia surgery. I'd go there to have this in a minute, but it's at about 3 hours away and I'm concerned about the after care. So, I've decided to attend an informational seminar at the weight loss center here. They have several doctors who have good testimonials on here. I also talked to by best friend about my decision. She is going back to Weight Watcher's herself. She lost over 120 pounds and has gained it back plus more. I really hope it works for her. I've tried to go to Weight Watcher's so many times. I finally got it through my head that it's not the right program for me. 
Today I took the biggest step so far. I had a long talk with my husband. He's always been supportive of everything I've tried. But, this is a big decision and I was afraid he would think it too drastic. All he said was that he knows I've struggled with this for a long time. And, if this is what I think is best and what I want than he's all for it. I told him how difficult telling him was. That was the only thing he was upset about. He didn't want it to be that hard for me to talk to him about something like this. So with that part done. I'm on my way to the seminar on the 15th and then we'll take it from there. I know it's not a done deal. But, I can't help but feel excited about getting the ball rolling.

The First Step

Oct 14, 2007

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning; and that was it. I'm standing on a cliff and I have to decide which way I'm going to go over the edge to a place I really don't want to go or take a step back and start back the other way. The direction of health and happiness. I've visited this site off and on for 4 years and now I've taken the first step toward surgery and have created a profile. I've looked at all the before/afters and visited several of the forums. It seems like a great, supportive, and informative environment to begin this journey with. I haven't started anything formally yet. I need to have some serious conversations with family and make a doctor's appointment. We have new insurance and I'm not sure if it will be approved, but if so, I'm in...SCARED...but, in. 

About Me
Melbourne, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 15
I think I can...I think I can!
I survived my first fill!
I Got My Band!!!
Just 12 Hours to Go!!!
Less than 2 weeks to go!
Getting Closer
Count Down---One Month To Go!!!
I've got a date!!!!!
