Moving right along

Oct 30, 2008

I meant to post a blow by blow of my hospital stay and the days following but I never got around to it.  It wasn't fun but nor it wasn't this big traumatic thing like some people have. 

Things are going pretty well.  I've not had any real awful pain at all - not even gas.  I'm still a bit sore now and then but I think it's just normal healing stuff. 

Pain meds haven't been touched since Sunday 10/26.  I wasn't feeling all that great this past weekend.  Fortunately, I had an appointment on Monday.  They said I likely felt so awful because I wasn't eating enough.  (imagine that!) Fortunately, my diet has been advanced to soft/protein foods and I've felt a billion times better since.

To give myself a reminder in the future of what it's like, here's what I ate today:

B:  1c ff/sf chocolate pudding
L:  1/4c homemade turkey chili with 2% cheese (1 tsp)
D:  1/3ish c ff refried beans with 2% cheese (1 Tbsp)
S:   1 Tbsp Tuna w lf mayo, lf cheese stick

I need to be better at taking my vits - - chewables are gross.  I can't wait to be able to take normal ones!

There were some problems at MGH on Monday so the appointment was at another part of the hospital.  Because of that, I wasn't able to weigh myself and that's driving me crazy. 

I have another appt on Monday 11/3 so I'll know then.  I can't wait to update my chart.

Finally happened

Oct 21, 2008

Well - I had the surgery finally.  I refused to post here since the last few times I posted my date, it got cancelled.

I'll post more in a bit but just wanted to update. :)

Well -

Dec 22, 2006

It's been a while since I've posted here.  So long, in fact, that all my old ramblings are gone.  This is a good thing.  

I originally thought I was going to have the surgery last July.  Then again this past March, I had another date.

After many stumbling blocks, I'm scheduled again for Jan 16th, 2007. 

I don't even really know how things work on here anymore.  I need to add my surgery date and stuff but I'm not sure where.  Oh well - I'll figure it out eventually.

Um...not really sure what to say here but I think this email will say most of it.  An old childhood friend had RNY last summer.  She's since lost over 140 lbs and looks fantastic.  I've only seen her once in 13-14 years and that was this past spring.   We've emailed each other back and forth since and here's the most recent email I sent her.


Hiya ******!

Good to hear from you. :)

Yep. I finally got my surgery date a few weeks back. I'm scheduled for Jan-16. I'll be under the knife of Janey Pratt @ MGH. She said she thinks she can do it Lap but she's not promising anything. I really hope she can as I've never had any type of surgery (ever!) and really don't want to deal w/ the recovery from the huge incision on TOP of what went on inside me.

I went for my original consultation at Mass General in August of 2004. I've been waiting for this a long damned time! I feel like I'm as prepared as I can possibly be and am at the point where I just want it to happen NOW.

I've pretty much been in therapy at *least* weekly for the past 3 years and will continue to do so through this process. I've been seeing my current therapist for nearly 10 months now. She had another patient who had the surgery back in early April. He's lost 120 lbs and is doing really well. It gives me a lot of confidence knowing she has seen another patient through the process and knows about what it does to you. She really is terrific and has helped me more in the brief time I've been seeing her than all the previous Psych treatment combined!

My friends and family have given me nothing but support through the whole process. Between that and my doctors (both mental and physical!), I'm sure I'll get through it all.

God knows I've been fat my whole life and it's about time I take control of things and get my life back. It's the small things really that I'm looking forward to the most. You know - the things "normal" people don't have to think about. Being able to go see a movie in the theatre, being able to fit on a plane, being able to sit on a couch (more importantly, being able to get up without looking like an ass!), being able to get in my car and not have to recline the seat BACK so I can fit, not having to plan trips around how far I will need to walk....shit like that.

I can't wait to be a woman, as odd as that sounds. I've been shopping at Men's Big and Tall stores for as long as I can remember! I want to be able to actually go into a Woman's store and pick something off the damned shelf and put it on. I want to be able to wear nice shoes!

I'm sick of isolating myself from the world. There are few things in life that I look forward to more than going back to work and bringing home a pay check every week. God dammit I am worth spending money on nice things for myself! I'm starting to realize that now for the first time in my life but unfortunately, I don't have the money to back that up. ;) Look out world! heh

Anyhow -

I didn't mean to ramble. I appreciate your offer to listen. It means a lot to me. I'm sure I will take you up on it as this process wears on.

Take care and thanks for listening!



Anyhow - that's about all from me.  I need to go run some errands.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2006
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