1st fill and the weight loss is back on!
Apr 08, 2008
Well I had my 1st fill yesterday and it was not bad at all. I am terrified of needles and I did not feel a thing! I found out I have a 10cc band and he said it already had 2cc's in it??? He then said he was adding 2 more to make it a total of 4 cc. They told me my insurance will pay for my fills from now on and I can apply the $200 I paid upfront to my office visits copay. I weighed in at 236 which is exactly what my scale said yesterday morning, so I was glad to know my scale was working right. Did a mile on the treamill uphill at 9.5 incline and a mile on 5.5 incline. It paid off because this morning because I jumped on the scale and it said 233.8. Yeah baby!!! So I am supposed to be on all liquids but of course my greedy but is eating one small meal a day and a protien shake for breakfast and dinner....when I think about it it's a damn shame because I am supposed to be on clear liquids. I took my 2nd test for teaching two weeks ago. One for special ed and one for grades k-5. I find out if i passed on the 28th. The test were hard as hell and took a total of 9 hours. Shit I was having a hard time just staying focused for 9 hours! Anywho I'm living on a prayer hoping that I pass.
One more day till my fill!
Apr 06, 2008
Excercise Baby!!
Mar 23, 2008
Slooooow Progress
Mar 09, 2008
Down to a size 18!
Mar 08, 2008
Feb 28, 2008
Well it's been a minute but guess what? Friday I'm sitting around feeling all sad thinking about having to go back to work on Tuesday so I call my best friend Shatema and I'm like....uh wanna go to Puerto Rico? And she says yes!!! To make a long story short we book our flights and resort stay and leave on Saturday and come back on Moinday. Needless to say we have a wonderful time. As soon as I get the pics developed I will post them. I gained 2.6 pounds in Puerto Rico, but damn evrything was delish and I sat on the beach in the crystal clear water and watched the little fishies swim up and play with my toes. I did walk about 2.5 miles on Saturday. I stayed in a small town outside of Saun Juan called Dorado. It was truly Paradise, not as pretty as Jamaica, but 85 degree weather, Palm trees, and the beach will do it for me anytime. I'm really a beach bum. I don't feel like I've been on vacation unless I'm on sombodies beach! I'm glad I took some pics because my girlfrind took most of the good pictures of us like our late night drunken escapades and she accidentally erased all of them on the way home by pushing a format button (damned digital cameras). Nevertheless she was really bummed about that. So yeah I ate and drank and gained 2.6 but I am back on my A game walking 4 miles a day before work. I walked 4 miles yesterday and I guess it's because my annoying monthly friend is here, but I did not lose a pound. You know I was more than a little pissed at the scale. OK now about my band. I Love it! Yesterday for lunch I had a mini sub. It's a half of a six inch sub at subways so it is literally about three inches long. I had turkey on wheat and when I ordered it I looked at it like there is no way in the world this little ass sandwich is going to fill up my hungry behind. It did, and I damn near cried. One mistake I will never make is to see how much I can eat. I don't wanna know how much I can eat. I just want to feel full fast, and the band is doing that for me. I love it. I still make sure I get in my protien, vitamins, and water every day. When I went back to work yesterday and let everyone know I've lost 16 pounds they looked at me like I was crazy. I guess if you are big 16 pounds can go damn near unnoticed. Sometimes I look at myself and I'm like damn where did I lose it in my pinky toe? My sister says that I am the incredible shrinking woman so that helps keep me motivated. Sometimes I sit and wish that I had gotten the bypass so the weight would just fall off, you know a quick fix. But I know it's about learning how to eat healthier and excercising so that I will have an overall healthier lifestyle and live longer! Also I can eat anything so far, shrimp, beef, chicken, bread. I'm not going to have anything carbonated obviously but I have no problem with foods.
Fell Off The Wagon!
Feb 18, 2008
Work it Out!
Feb 15, 2008
Feb 13, 2008
Allright this really sucks. I have actually gained a pound! It's like my body is rebelling saying oh hell no I worked really hard to put this weight on and now ya think it's just going to fall off! I have started drinking no sugar added fruit juice but when I just looked at it it actually has 43g of sugar! Also it has been seven days so I had my first bowl of oatmeal today. I have been walking a mile a day on the treadmill and getting in my protien and water. Well my girlfriend Andrea from Brooklyn says mabey I need to switch it up a little bit like dance instead of walk. The way I see it there is no way the damn scale should not be moving down if I'm still not eating any solid food and walking a mile a day. Well I'm keeping hope alive and will stay focused because I'll be damned if I am not deternined to bring sexy back! Well some good news is I found out that I passed the Gace (Georgia's alternative route to teaching Exam) I passed the basics and now all I have to do is pass the content area exam and summers off are all mine! Horaay...I hate to work. I really am down about the sudden halt in weight loss. I read about Plateou's but did not think I'd be struggling with it at just a week out of surgery. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
OMG another 5 LBS!!!!
Feb 10, 2008
All right it is really late at night and I am just back from my weekend trip in Georgia to pick up my hubby from doing a construction job out there. Yeah I know I'm not supposed to be driving being that I just had surgery 4 days ago...well it was a three hour trip each way and I made it. No problem, I just stopped a few time along the way and went for 8 minute walks to stretch and relieve gas pressure. LOL! Well to make a long story short my hubby usually cooks dinner and since he's been gone for a week I have not bothered to really cook so I did not realize how much I missed the smell of food. Well my hubby was roasting some chicken... seriously the man can,you didn't get me, I mean really really put your foot in it make you wanna smack yo mama cook! Any how I start drooling and get all upset and want to feel full immediately. Now why me and my greedy ass go and GUZZLE water and GUZZLE my protien drink in order to try and feel satisfied fast. I damn near thought I was about to have a heart attack for like three hours straight! Well I know it was just gas but I got to experience first hand what I have been reading about. The pain in the shoulder is a BITCH from hell like no other you have met! Not to mention the stabbing pain in my gut. No throwing up thank God. But I thought I was two steps from really freaking out. I walked a hour in the mall in severe pain hoping it would alleviate the pain...NO LUCK! After the third hour I took two of the persciption pain killers that the Doc gave me (Narcotics by the way) Forget about it, I was out like a light and only had a sore shoulder to gently remind of my past foolishness and transgressions! Needless to say I will never do that again and on the way home hubby asked if it would bother him if we stopped at Mickey D's to get him and the kids some dinner. What am I gonna say....NO, STARVE? Well it was not that bad. The arouma of the oil on the fries made me think of pounds of fat on my big ol thighs and my hubbys Big Mac smelled like a big jar of MAYO! Not to enticing. I sipped on my sugar free white grape juice and was fine.Anywho the major think is I've lost 15 lns in 4 days! Now thats damn near crazy. I know it's gonna slow down so I'm going to try and run like hell with this clear liquids only thing for as long as I can. Forget about 1 week. I'm in it until I really can't stand it anymore!