thank you for posting to my page, i appreciate you. i love this web site and cannot believe what a difference people like you have made in my life. thanks again, angie
Kimberly - I want to thank you for your faithfulness in supporting and encouraging not only myself but also so many people here at WLS. It is sooo appreciated!
Kimberly~I want to thank you for your post on my sight. It is my only one so far. I was so excited when I saw it. Well, it looks like you are everyone's angel. You are a blessing to so many people who are more than a little nervous about what they are about to embark upon. Thank you for your comments.:-)
Thank you very much for your wishes and concerns. That is very thoughtful of you. I do hope that all goes well, but time seems to be moving so slow. :D I think I'm just giddy.