MommaAngel 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Pam I was so sorry to hear your having a ruff time of it.I know it will get better as you heal and see the weight coming off.Your feelings are normal right now. I will be praying for you sweetie. LORD BLESS

Nynese W. 22 years, 3 months ago

Dear Pamela, Take it from one who has been there and done that. I had severe nausea for what seem like forever. My surgeon tried everything he could think of to control it. Nothing helped until my body was ready. Now it will be 2 years in November. The nausea has stopped, sometimes I wish I could throw-up when I over eat. It gets better with time. Know that I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way...Neci

jjtheba 22 years, 3 months ago

Angel Update: Please pray for Pam as she is having a rough time right now. She came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon and was resting when I spoke with her daughter early today. Todd, her husband, called me this evening and said she is having severe nausea and has been crying and wishing she had not had the surgery. Todd is going to call the surgeon in the morning if the nausea meds don't begin to work. I know it is very rough these first few weeks and I am sure Pam will rejoice with new life and health later but for now keep her in your prayers and send her some well wishes. Pam is a beautiful woman and I know you all want her healed and blessed. Thanks from the first time Angel Janice

paulsgirl 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Pamela, Wishing you a speedy and peaceful recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christine C. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hey Pam, just hang in there sweetie! You are just out of surgery, and everyone feels rough for a while. The benefits are soon to show up on the scales, though! When you go for your two week check up, you'll begin to feel better about your WLS decision when the pounds have disappeared. Okay?? It will take some time to get used to the new way of doing things, so just pamper yourself for the next few weeks, but do what the doctor says! Hugs to you! Chris

jjtheba 22 years, 3 months ago

Pam, I hope you are home and safe now and that your healing will be prompt. I know you feel like it would be easier to have died but this discomfort will be so worth the new life you can have and enjoy with your wonderful husband and children. Please follow doctor orders and take it easy. Take the pain meds and don't overeat. You are about to change your life so much for the better. It was so nice to meet you and you will stay in my prayers. Your Angel with horns Janice

Becca K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Pam, I know that this is a hard time for you right now, and you wonder what you did, but hang in there. I was as scared as you, but this is the best thing that you can do for your health. Hang in there and this too will pass and you will wonder how you lived before you had your surgery. I am here for you whenever you need to talk. You have been such a good friend to me and now it is my turn to be there if you need me. Hang in there and I am sending you gentle hugs.

jjtheba 22 years, 4 months ago

Angel News FLAP::: Just came from the hospital after visiting with Pam who is a little emotional today and said she was thinking she wished she would not have done it. I think I visited at the right time as I told her this can be you in 6 to 8 months. She was still nauseated and had not had any pain meds since this morning when they took her off the IV meds. I told her she is going to have to rest and take things easy and she will heal and get her energy back. The nurse came into release her while I was there, but then went and got her some meds for the nausea and the pain and said release would be only if she were feeling better. Pam's husband Todd was there and it was a pleasure to get to meet them both. She is a very beautiful woman and will be stunning with the weight off. Please pray for her to heal promptly and to get renewed life and health. Thanks for helping this first time Angel out, but especially thanks for supporting Pam. God bless Janice

jen41766 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Pam! I was so happy to see your angel's notes that you were succesfully out and doing ok! Can't wait to hear from you and watch you start trying to catch up to me! I better buckle down! Love ya!

jjtheba 22 years, 4 months ago

Flap Flap Flap !!! Just spoke with Todd, Pam's husband, around 8:30 pm. Pam is doing fine although since she went on the liquid diet today she had some nausea and the meds they gave her knocked her out. All the tubes are out and she did some walking. Todd said she had a few visitors today and was really tired when he left this evening. I know when I had mine I really didn't care if I saw anyone except the pain med nurse LOL> Please stop by Pam's page and wish her well. If everything goes ok she should get home tomorrow evening. Help me show her I was a good Angel and post post post. God bless you all in your journeys. Janice
About Me
Columbus, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
My highest weight ever.
446 lbs.lbs
4th of July 2003. -166 lbs. Go to my Photo Website to see more photos.
