dee030846 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya.... the hour has finally come I am keeping you in my thoughts and saying quick prayers for you. May you be able to be up an walking soon and feeling very little pain. Dee

Harriett K. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya wanted everyone to know that the cell number at the top of this page is incorrect. Here is the correct one 770 596 9964 or you can still reach her at tyhe hospital number above. Good luck,Tanya this is Jenn's Mom

Jennifer P. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya! Your day is finally here. I am so excited for you! I loved meeting you last Friday, and look forward to a long friendship with you. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you in the days to come. I will see you on Tuesday! With Love -

Sandra T. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya - your day is finally here!!! I'm so excited for you... you will be in my thoughts and prayers today as you start your journey :) hugs!!!!

Jacqueline A. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya, Congratulations and best wishes on your upcoming surgery date!! May all your hopes and dreams come true in your new healthier life!!! Hugs.....Jackie

Laura L. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya, best wishes for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery!!!

Debbie A. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya - Just wanted to make a point of letting you know that your AMOS family is here and we will be holding you in our prayers and thoughts and sending lots of good wishes your way! May God bless you nd keep you safe!

Teresa A. 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya, I wish you all the best for a complication-free surgery and a speedy recovery. I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you in his loving care. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you always.

skinnierone44 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi Tanya, just a quick note to let you know that I will be saying prayers for you as the date of your surgery is coming nearer. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care Love and Hugs Kathy

TexFlutterby 22 years, 2 months ago

Tanya~~~~Here's to you for taking the best steps you can to a super new & health life. "I HAVE HEARD YOUR PRAYERS, I HAVE SEEN YOUR TEARS. SURELY, I WILL HEAL YOU." 2 KINGS 20:5 I pray our Lord and His angels be with you as you go through your surgery and recovery. May our Lord be with your surgeon and his staff, guiding their hands and minds during your surgery and recovery. "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME." PHILIPPIANS 4:13. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion." Congratulations on your upcoming weight loss!! :o) I will be joining you on the "losing side" this fall. Prayers & Best Wishes, Janie
About Me
Douglasville, Ga
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2002
Member Since
