Suzzanne D. 21 years, 3 months ago

Well, that area that I posted about last time did indeed need to be opened. Not as big or deep as the first one but he opened it and packed it. It has been a week and a half since then and its getting better everyday. Both of them are. The initial wound opening is still deep and bloody and oozing but its getting smaller each day. I still have to keep it packed with wet saline gauze but I can tell its getting smaller by the amount of gauze it holds. I am off pain pills and feel better. Finished the antibiotics finally and that feels better too. Still tired and my arthitis is hurting a lot, but the weather here has been lousy. Cold and rainy most of the time. Today is supposed to be nice so I will take Sonny (grandson) to the park and let him play while I read. God Bless you all for you kindness and support. I WILL have my surgery! Surgeon plans on Mid to Late August. Take care everyone and be patient. Gods will, will be done. God is good.

lovedove 21 years, 3 months ago

~suzzanne~ i am so sorry for ur lose...try with all ur might to go and do as u have plan to do...ur mother would be so happy for u if she were here... so hang in there and do as u planed with ur mother...she would be so happy for u... please try... god bless u, my mother is gone to be with jesus, and I WOULD LOVE FOR HER TO SEE ME AS I LOSS WEIGHT, BUT I KNOW SHE WANT, SO I AM DOING THIS FOR MY SELF...this is a life long dream, and god has gave me a change to have a new life... so it begans... lovedove

MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI SUZZANNE I am so sorry to hear your going through so much right now.The lose of your mother and not feeling well. I will be praying for you that the Lord will wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you with the terrible hurt you our feeling right now. I wish I could be there to give you a hug.I care what you are going through I wish I could be there to help you someway. I just want you to know your cared about today. your not alone with your pain. LORD BLESS

Suzzanne D. 21 years, 3 months ago

May 30, 2003 Well I am 3 weeks out of my almost WLS. My recovery has been slow and frustrating. My mother died when I was 10 days post op and life still hasn't returned to normal. My incision opened and became infected the day of her wake and I had to have it cleaned and packed 2 hours before the wake. I have been living on pain pills and am tired all the time. Now my incision is developing the same problem as before only higher up. I have to see the surgeon today and see if he plans to open it more. Its red, warm and painful. I guess this is what happens when you have a FAT belly! I will update on what happens at the doctors. God is good! Suzza

Deanna B. 21 years, 4 months ago

We all love you girl!!!!!! I am happy to see your home. Your husband obviously loves you a LOT, I am glad you have strong support in this time when you need it so much. Your so lucky, you came out of this with your life! ANd what a wonderful life, you have been so much to so many people. I dont think you know how many people love you chick!!! your in my prayers my friend!

Bethy413 21 years, 4 months ago

Suzzanne, I am so sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope that you will be feeling well soon and that you will be able to proceed with WLS. Take care of yourself and try not to be too depressed.

Cherie S. 21 years, 4 months ago

Get well soon Suzzanne. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take Care and God Bless. ~Cherie LapRYN 10/18/02 -99lbs

Suzzanne D. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi everyone, its been a difficult week for me. I am 7 days post op today but not for my GBS. They had to forego that because of the growth they found in my colon. The size of a baseball, all preliminary results show its diverticulitis. I had a left hemi colectomy and am trying to adjust. I am of course disappointed and cry much. I have to believe that God has another purpose for me. Surgeon says we will reevaluate my need for surgery in 3 months. I just need some time to heal and feel better. I am still quite miserable with this pain. Eating is difficult and BM's, well let's just not go there. I will post again when I am feeling better. Suzza

Deanna B. 21 years, 4 months ago

Suzza I hope your feeling good today... I am gona be at the support group this evening and will be stopping by to see you! Huzzzzzzz

Deanna B. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hello all Went to visit Suzza today. She didn't have her surgery because the risk of infection was to great for the Dr. to take out the growth in her colon and also do the bypass. She was very luck beacuse the growth was open and ozzing. She said her pain in her back and side are now gone... Although she has an incission from her breast bone to below her belly button, and is having alot of pain there. She will be in the hospital for a week, or untill she can keep some food down. She is a fantastic woman and is looking at the up side of things.
About Me
Strongsville, OH
Surgery Date
Dec 05, 2002
Member Since
