Diana M. 23 years, 1 month ago

Best of luck Denise on your upcoming surgery. I too am scheduled for Lap RNY on August 28, 2001! I am so excited and know exactly how you feel! I will be looking forward to reading your profile update...you can read mine at [email protected]. God Bless! Diana

GG B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Dear Denise, I am very glad about your surgery date. Mine is the 16th. Look for updates. Keep us posted. I will pray for you. Love, Gena

laurac82101 23 years, 1 month ago

Denise Congratulations on your surgery date! I wish you the best of luck and if you need anything you just call!

Robin C. 23 years, 1 month ago

Denise I am so happy to hear you got a date. I really enjoyed talking with your Mom. She is so much like my Mom a total wreck LOL. We will all pray for you and will see you on the otherside. Lots of Love and Luck

Lisa H. 23 years, 1 month ago

ANGEL ALERT - Everyone stop by Denise's page and wish her well on her surgery just 3 weeks away on August 28th at Shelby Baptist in Alabaster, AL with Dr. Sherer! Finally it's her turn and her family needs as much moral support as she does! Don't let me down now, do what you do best. Support! I will be her angel may need help if I am not up & running quickly. My surgery is just one week before on the 21st. Anyone wanting to assist is encouraged to join me. Good luck Denise!

Cherie G. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi Denise - I just wanted to congratulate you on your surgery date! I know you must be excited! I personally think you will be in good hands! Dr. Stahl and Dr. Sherer are excellent surgeons! I'm 10 days out now and doing great! I wish you the very best of luck and let me know how you're doing!

Lisa H. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hey Girl, I did not get to be the first to post to your surgery page. Boo-hoo. But, put me down for your angel, and thanks for being mine. You are on your way now! I'll be watching out for you. Your WLS friend......

AngelNTx65 23 years, 1 month ago

Denise~My best to you with your upcoming surgery.I wish you a speedy recovery.This will be the greatest thing you have ever done for yourself. Please keep us posted. God Bless~Kim

Paula T. 23 years, 1 month ago

Denise - congrats on getting your surgery date. It seems like you went through an awful lot of logistical difficulties to find the surgeon for you, but look at how it all fell into place. The fatalist in me says that, well, you were meant to have Dr. Sherer and once you met with him of course it worked out. But the realist in me counters with, "Of course it worked out - she worked her patootie off to get her man." Good luck, Denise!
About Me
Pelham, AL
Surgery Date
May 29, 2001
Member Since
