Robin C. 23 years ago

Hi all I saw Denise in the hospital today and she looks great. She passed her leak test early this morning and has been enjoying her grape juice ever since. She has been up and walking. The doctor came in and said he would come around tomorrow at lunch and let her go home. So Congratulations Denise we are glad you are safely on the other side.

Jackie M. 23 years ago

Denise: Glad to hear that you have made it thru surgery and are on the other side. Good luck.

Cecelia M. 23 years ago

Well Hello Denise, welcome to the otherside!! I am so proud of you, you made it! Just dropping you a line to let you know I am thinking about you. Please write me when you get home and comfortable. Love, Cecelia

blank first name B. 23 years ago

I saw Denise today immediately after she got out of recovery and was put into a room. She was doing great. A little groggy, but she made it!!!! Congratulations Denise. You are on your way to a thinner, healthier YOU! Call me any time. Connie

Cheryl C. 23 years ago

Denise, I'm truly excited for you. I will be meeting Dr. Sherer on September 12th for my first consultation. I send my heart felt love and blessings for a speedy recovery. I know how hard it is to make this decision and admire your bravery!! God Bless, Cheryl

Sandi K. 23 years ago

Congratulations on your surgery!!!Pretty soon you will be on the other side!!!!

luv2laugh 23 years, 1 month ago

I wish you a speedy recovery and can't wait to hear how things go...I will keep you in my prayers!

Vickie C. 23 years, 1 month ago

Denise, Congratulations on your surgery tomorrow! I hope everything goes great and I wish you good luck and good health with your recovery. I will be looking for posts from your angel. A WLS friend,

Patricia W. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hello Denise, the time has come for you to come to the other side and enjoy life to the fullest, my prayers are with you, God bless you a safe journey and a speedy recovery...Lov Pat

VintageChick 23 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you success and a very speedy thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow!
About Me
Pelham, AL
Surgery Date
May 29, 2001
Member Since
