ENS 3 In 1 Liquid Vitamins

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

ENS 3 In 1 Liquid Vitamins by Celebrate Nutritional Supplements - Liquid Vitamin

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1 Review for ENS 3 In 1 Liquid Vitamins
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This is a drink mix that you mix with eight ounces of water. It's a multivitamin plus 500 mg calcium. You are supposed to drink two a day. It tastes just like grape Koolaid. I was having a hard time with chewable vitamins and calcium because they were making me nauseous, and I love this stuff. It's so easy to get down. The only downside is that it is expensive. But it's worth it to me because I just couldn't get the vitamins in any other way.

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Nutritional Value
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