S. Gray Hughes

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 3 ratings

S. Gray Hughes Bariatric Surgeon M.D., FACS

7 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Glen Strickland Profile Pic
Glen Strickland
Marc Antonetti Profile Pic
Marc Antonetti
James Givens Profile Pic
James Givens
Emily Kohls Profile Pic
Emily Kohls
Eric Cockrell Profile Pic
Eric Cockrell
MSN, RN, CNOR, CHES, Bariatric Coordinator
Erin Thompson Profile Pic
Erin Thompson
Lori Norris Profile Pic
Lori Norris

3 Reviews for S. Gray Hughes
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Rave review about Dr. Hughes and Riverside Surgical. I had my surgery on 12/22/14 along with a hiatal hernia repair. It was really a breeze so much so that I asked my nurse after I got in my room did they do everything that was scheduled. My pain was minimal and I barely ever touched my pain pump. Thank you Dr. Hughes for a job well done.


I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Hughes. From the very first appointment with him, he made sure that I was well informed of what decisions he was making and what decisions I also needed to be making. The entire Riverside Surgical Group has been very supportive. I had my surgery on May 14, 2012, and I ended up having to stay in the hospital a few more days than originally thought because I went anemic after the surgery (not typical). Dr. Hughes was reassuring and knew that I was frustrated to be in the hospital for a few more days and he told me, "I would rather have you close by and know you are okay, rather than have you far off and not be okay."

Dr. Hughes is a wonderful doctor and a wonderful person. I highly recommend him if you are thinking about having this surgery.


I was impressed with Dr. Hughes and his practice from the first time I met him. I did a lot of research and especially as a "Center of Excellence" they came highly recommended. They were efficient in providing a seminar prior to my first meeting with him and I did not have to wait long to have my first appt. The practice, South Carolina Obesity Surgery Center is beautifully appointed and very clean. Each of the areas in which I have experienced it, from Dr. Hughes himself, to the nutritionist, exercise trainer, education instructor and office staff have all treated me with warm but professional cordiality. They seem to really care about their patients.The practice has a thorough educational component which covers how to get ready for the surgery nutritionally and physically through starting your exercise program. They cover the risks of surgery well and emphasize what they are going to do to help prevent problems and what the patient needs to do as well. The financial folks were very helpful in letting me know what they needed to start the application for insurance. I was approved quickly and they offered a payment plan for my percentage had I needed it. This week I will meet with the surgeon for my first post-op appointment. I'll go back at 3 weeks, 6 months and then annually for the rest of my life. I'll go to the support group meetings once a month and the free exercise classes. I can't think of anything that could make my experience better.

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