Has anyone that has Fibromyalgia had WLS lately?

Interested in any help    — Ellen S. (posted on October 27, 2002)

October 27, 2002
I am 1 yr. post-op and feeling great. With the weightloss and less stress in my life my fibromyalia has been pretty good. Being able to go more and not sitting as much has helped me amensely. Plus I think our diet after WLS is a contributing factor. Meaning less carbs and sugar. Not to say that I don't eat them but less amounts. Hope this helps you out. Feel free to email me if you have anymore questions.
   — Vicki W.

October 27, 2002
Hi...I'm 6 weeks post op and have fibromyalgia. Even though, anti-inflamatories aren't supposed to help fms, I did get quite a lot from them and when my doctor had me stop taking them two months before surgery, I was quite unhappy. However, I started accupunture and continued with my massage. My surgeon put me on a skim milk only diet before surgery (lost 27 pounds in a month) and I've lost another 27. The weight loss has helped with the general inflamation (less stress on those joints) and I've been able to be much more active--water aerobics, treadmill, housework--which has helped the fms. When I do too much, though, or am stressed or sad (my mom died in July), then the fms can still lay me low. My doctor has added amyltriptolene (which is an anti-depressant but he is using it as a vasodialator to improve circulation...improved circulation helps remove toxins from the system). Also, I started using a cpap for sleep apnes (a lot of fms is about sleep!) and I think that has helped as well. As long as I can stay on an even keel and exercise, I'm doing a lot better. I *didn't* have any bad fms crash right after surgery, which surprised me! Write me if you have more questions. Cheers!
   — Katherine M.

October 27, 2002
Hi Ellen: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 1 1/2 years ago. I think I had it for much longer, but as you know, it takes a long time to rule out other symptoms and diagnose fibromyalgia. I can only say that I have not worked since April, and had WLS in August. Not working has helped me trememdously with the fibromyalgia. In the meantime, I also developed a herniated disc, so I am also taking pain pills which really help the fibromyalgia. Also, I think the weight loss diet of practically no sugar has helped me tremendously. Hope this helps. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

October 28, 2002
Hi, I was dxed with Fibro in 1993. See my popular Fibro website at I had my open RNY on May 2, 2002 and have lost 82 lbs. Is my fibro any better? No, I don't think so, but overall my joints feel much better and hence I have less pain of that variety. I had sleep apnea, used a cpap for six months, and am now cured. So sleeping better is helping me mentally and physically, but the sleep disorder you get with fibro (no stage 4 Delta sleep) is still there. Curing the sleep apnea didn't cure that. Sometimes the joint pain, muscle pain, and connective tissue pain used to all sort of lump together, so I think having less joint pain now makes it "seem" like the fibro is better...I don't know. But I still flare on a regular basis and have the same Tender Points as I've always had. I know the fibro is here to stay, but feeling better in general helps make the "demon" of fibro not seem as bad. And I do agree, the low-to-no sugar diet helps...sugar is almost like a poison to folks with fibro. It's very disturbing to the digestive tract and promotes the growth of yeast, to which many fibro folks are extra sensitive. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2002
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for about 6 years, but have suffered with it since adolescence. I was recently granted social security disability based on my fibromyalgia and chronic depression. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery on 6/17/02 and have lost 75 pounds thus far. I still have a considerable amount left to lose. I have not noticed an improvement in my fibromyalgia, I'm sorry to say. In fact, with the weight loss I am more mobile and active, which seems to result in more flare ups. I did notice an improvement in my knees, but that was from osteoarthritis. I'm finding it difficult to exercise without causing myself flareups and tomorrow will be starting a fibromyalgia treatment program that will consist of physical and occupational therapy. I'm hoping that they will help me discover effective exercise methods. Good luck to you!!
   — Heidi W.

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