Are there protein mixes for juice rather than milk?

I don't tolerate milk products well at all. I'm not lactose intolerant, just sensitive to the products. I understand things may change after surgery, but I want to be prepared. I would like to find something that can be mixed with Crystal Lite for instance, or any other low sugar juices. Thanks    — Elizabeth P. (posted on March 7, 2002)

March 7, 2002
I only mix with water or sometimes diet soda. Never milk.
   — BethVBG

March 7, 2002
I'm water + ice. Rarely, I will use a sugar free "juice", such as Crystal Light. I never add calories/sugars to my protein powders.
   — vitalady

March 7, 2002
Hello. I use Chisel-Plex and mix one small scoop of powder into 6 oz (those little metal cans at the store) of orange juice. I also use carb solutions chocolate with a bit of ice and 8 oz of water. :) Nothing tastes wonderful, but those two are tolerable to me. I am ok with milk products like cheese and yogurt, but regular milk doesn't do it for me since I've had surgery. Best of luck!
   — Paula Prichard

March 7, 2002
I use GNC vanilla flavored whey protein and mix in orange juice with a hand blender. It tasts like a dreamcicle. Yum, yum . . . and 23 grams of protein. Funny, although it is a milk product, something about the processing makes it not bother me like drinking milk does. Good luck to you.
   — Spunkwoman S.

March 7, 2002
I don't like the thickness of milk and cannot drink it. My protein of choice is Extreme Pure Pro grape mixed with water. Tastes like grape kool-aid. You could probably mix it with sugar free grape kool-aid and make it more grapey tasting. I might try that.
   — Cheri M.

March 7, 2002
Hi! Extreme Pure Pro is great. You can get it in premixed 20 oz bottles or in 2.33# jars that you mix with water. 2.33#ers come in grape and tropical punch and both are really good. A friend uses it also and she uses the premixed and puts half of the tropical punch in half raspberry Ice crystal lite for a treat. GNC can order it for you or you can go on the web and find it there. Bodyden has the liquids in other flavors also. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

March 7, 2002
GNC Challenge Liquid Protein and Proteinex both mix with water or crystal lite.
   — Joelle B.

March 7, 2002
I'm lactose intolerant. I used Spirutein, which can be mixed with juice or with water. It comes in several flavors and tastes very good. You can find it at health food stores.
   — [Anonymous]

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