calgal 17 years, 7 months ago

hi paula, congratualtions on taking this big step! you will find that banding will be a much easier surgery! i was just rebanded nov. 2nd. and it is so worth it. prayers have been said for a very safe surgery and a nice recovery for you.. hugs, slaly

Frances S. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Paula, I wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you as you continue to take these bold steps toward health and wellness. I applaud all your efforts and cheer for your victories with the RNY, Roman Michael and, now, the LapBand. I pray all your dreams come true as you grab your share of "life more abundantly." Onward

Frances S. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Paula, I wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you as you continue to take these bold steps toward health and wellness. I applaud all your efforts and cheer for your victories with the RNY, Roman Michael and, now, the LapBand. I pray all your dreams come true as you grab your share of "life more abundantly." Onward

Frances S. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Paula, I wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you as you continue to take these bold steps toward health and wellness. I applaud all your efforts and cheer for your victories with the RNY, Roman Michael and, now, the LapBand. I pray all your dreams come true as you grab your share of "life more abundantly." Onward

Frances S. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Paula, I wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you as you continue to take these bold steps toward health and wellness. I applaud all your efforts and cheer for your victories with the RNY, Roman Michael and, now, the LapBand. I pray all your dreams come true as you grab your share of "life more abundantly." Onward

teebaby 18 years, 2 months ago

good luck with tomorrow!! I hope all goes well..and you have a safe delievry..I will be waiting to hear when the lil one is here!!!

Allie 18 years, 2 months ago

Good luck on your big day tomorrow having your sweet little man!! I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a quick delivery!! Love, Allie

Wanda S. 18 years, 10 months ago

Paula, I have had a chance to read your personal journal on this website where you shared with all of us your journey after the gastric bypass surgery. You have really worked hard and made tremendous gains. When I saw your before and after pictures I was really happy for you. You are a beautiful woman -- both before and after -- but now you really shine! You accomplished all this through some really tough emotional rollercoasters. And, not only that, but you graduated from college, were accepted into a master's program and accepted a teaching job. You certainly have packed a lot of changes and personal growth into these last years. What a strong woman you must be. Looking back you yourself must be amazed at the distance you have come even though you know there is still much you want to do. Thank you for all the interest you have shown in me and the support you gave to Jack during my long recovery. I am just now learning about people like you who were praying for my recovery. God bless you and my best wishes.

Wanda S. 18 years, 10 months ago

Paula, Thanks for all your support. I have finally had a chance to read your about your journey and learned that you have had tremendous struggles but have fought valiantly on. You are an inspiration to me. You are a relatively young woman with a long life ahead of her. I believe you will be successful in your weight loss battle although the road will never be easy. Your ability to bounce back and return to the prescribed diet in spite of the many set backs you have faced tell me how strong a woman you are in the face of adversity. You have already achieved great inroads on your weight loss on the way to your goal and as the doctors say, "This operation is only a tool. Even after you have hit that window you still have the opportunity to lose weight and control the weight you have lost!" My congratulations to you on the work you have done and my support and love to you for what you must still work towards. You will do it! Wanda Smart

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 4 months ago

HAPPY THIRD ANNIVERSARY! Here's hoping life is all you want it to be! Hugs, Toots
About Me
Kingman, AZ
Surgery Date
Sep 17, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Minutes before I left for the hospital and down 50 pounds.
390 & 340lbs
Post tummy tuck, still swollen and not the best picture, but better!

Friends 45
