I have my pre-op appt for tummy tuck on Friday. The doc told me earlier that I would

need 2-3 weeks to recuperate. I'd like to know from those of you that have had a tummy tuck (with muscle tightening and pubic area) how long did it really take to be up and about. I work a office job and would like to give my boss a realistic idea of the time off needed. Thanks, Mary    — mrosner (posted on June 30, 2005)

June 29, 2005
I was off work 2 weeks and then 2 weeks of 1/2 days due to swelling. I have a desk job and sitting at my desk for 4 hours made me swell so bad sitting became unbearable. Take it easy and follow your doctors orders.
   — ckreh

June 30, 2005
I took 4 weeks off, originally 3 but I was very sore and needed 4.
   — lizinPA

June 30, 2005
Mary. congratulations on a job well done. I had my tummy tuck some 15 yars ago following massive weightloss and I still feel "Up tight and out of sight" as much as ever and it was the most rewarding thing that followed all the hard work of weight loss. As for going back to work, I was a nurse then, and it would have been quite unthinkable to go back to work any sooner than 4 weeks post op. Even though I wanted to, I couldn't wait to show all my work buddies the new me! But I felt like a litle old lady, a bit bent over, and somewhat uncomfortable as one does after such involved surgery. I took 4 weeks off and worked for 4 hours daily on a "needs basis" I had a very understanding boss. I hope your is too. The great thing is that this surgery is not something you have to wait to see the results like weightloss, when you wake up after your procedure despite feeling a little pain, you can see the wonderful results and so will all your friends, and just like having a baby, you forget the assosiated discomfort and feel proud of your achievement. I am sure that others will be happy for you too, If your feel like you need it, ask your Dr.for pain relief to take home with you when you come home from hospital, I am sure you wont need it for long, and tell your boss you need at least 4 weeks,off. If you don't then that's a bonus to you both. As for him to be a little flexable after this in the event you require some of your work hours to be split Once again congratulations on a job well done. I had my inner thighs lifted, my breasts reduced and lifted,as well and ecerything looks as good today as it did 15 years ago and I am 63. keep up the good work.
   — Lise K.

June 30, 2005
I went back to work in 3 weeks. I felt like going back earlier but I didn't want to take any chances. I did make sure that I had a foot stool under my desk. It helped me not to swell so much by keeping my feel elevated. And, unlike some people, my swelling went away almost completely in 6 weeks. Good Luck!! You will love the new you!!!!!!!
   — CAMFR

July 1, 2005
You will probably feel betetr and be able to straighten out in 2 weeks. Going back in 2 weeks may aggravate swelling, especially in the lower tummy area but its possible. Consider lymphatic massage and a good set of comfortable compression garments to help with swelling. We like to get out patients these Hanes "body enhancer" garments. They're zipperless, seamless, and good during this hot muggy Houston summer !
   — DrL

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