What's the deal with the ketosis??

I bought some, but I'm not sure if I read correctly or not...having ketones in your urine is good or bad? I did it and it said I had trace (or the smallest measurable amount). If you're burning your fat for energy, wouldn't you have a lot? The info provide was for diabetics and it made it sound like ketones in the urine was a no no- HELP!!    — Paula Prichard (posted on July 23, 2002)

July 23, 2002
Post op its great, and means your loosing well. Accompanied by bad breath and yucky tasting liquids, its to be cellebrated! It comes from a high protein diet.<P> Preop diabetics its generally a bad sign unless your on a high protein diet. I was happy when my breath got bad, I was never able to get good ketosis on atkins.
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2002
Hi! I used these when I was on the protein diet. The darker the color, the more fat you are burning, the more you are in Ketosis. When you eat too many carbs, you get yourself OUT of ketosis. You don't want the strip turning DARK all the time. A steady medium color is ideal. If you are on a plataeu, use them and you will see you are probably OUT of ketosis. Decrease your carbs and you will get right back into ketosis! Good luck! Stacy P.S. Someone had an excellent idea with cutting them in half, LONG ways. Use very sharp DRY scissors and cut the strips in half long way to DOUBLE the amount you have! Excellent money saving idea!
   — Stacy C.

July 23, 2002
Yep, a medium color is best. If the color is too dark for a consistent time it may be a signal you need more water in your system. Hope this helps!
   — Robin W.

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