I saw someone mention Proteinex Pills....

Is this true, is there really a pill out there with 35 grams of absorbable protein?!?!?! Please tell me there is, because I'm barely getting in 20 grams a day and I'm terrified I'm going to lose my hair!!!!!    — Paula Prichard (posted on April 2, 2002)

April 1, 2002
I may be completely wrong, but as far as I know, Proteinex comes in liquid only. Someone was posting about a protein pill, but I don't think it was Proteinex brand. I'd look it up in the library. Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

April 1, 2002
The pill is called Protivity and it has one gram of protein per pill. One gram might equal 35 grams on chicken or beef but the protein in the pill equals one gram
   — Mary G.

April 2, 2002
Proteinex is a liquid. Believe me, Proteinex has saved me. I am not much of a meat eater and my hair was falling out in clumps. It is 15 grams of protein per two tablespoons. The taste isn't too bad and it has really helped me. I don't think that there is any pill out there that gives you what Proteinex or real proteins give you. Try Proteinex, its about 25.00 well spent dollars per sixteen ounce bottle. You can get it at WalGreens or Wal-Mart. They will have to order it for you it is not right out on the shelf. Good luck.
   — purdue_1993

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