Has anyone been approved for WLS having Pseudotumor Cerebri as your main diagnosis?

My opthomologist says that WLS would be the best course of treatment but is it really considered a comorbidity? He wrote a letter of medical necessity stating I could possibly go blind if something wasn't done immediately. Wish me luck. Ginger    — sweets1224 (posted on January 27, 2003)

January 26, 2003
YES its a co-morbidity and YES it is enough to deem this medicaly needed! however there is a possiablity that loseing the weight will not help this condition....but it makes you better able to handle some of it ...since you do feel better having lost the weight.. bekka PTC dx1996 lost color vision and large amount of periphal vision lpshunt 97 got some color vision back 12 spinal taps 3 blood patches ... vertical banded gastroplasty 10/26/2001 120 lbs lost at goal i still have presure spikes but my shunt functions randomly and seems to manage....what med are you on sure that you can still take them if the weight loss does not improve your ptc...that why we chose the VBG becausee i needed to be able to take and absorb high doses of diamox and lasik if the weight loss did not help the PTC bekka
   — bekka K.

January 26, 2003
Yes this is comorbidity and like the other poster said that the weight loss may not correct the problem. I am having RNY and my neurologists thinks that I should be able to off the Diamox early on. My surgeon also stated that Diamox is ok to continue taking after surgery. I have BCBS of New Jersey and had no problems getting aproved. Best wishes and good luck to you.
   — Marcy S.

January 26, 2003
Yes! That was my main thing on my letter from my surgeon. I have had 2 spinal taps and was told that when it was time for the 3rd, they were just going to put in the shunt. I was on acetazoloimide (which I have been told is the generic Diamox) for about 7 years. I was told that my pseudotumor was more likely than not, a result of my weight. Since my VBG, I have not taken any (per my neuologists instructions) and lucky me, haven't had any problems with pressure since.
   — salymsmommy

January 27, 2003
Remember that not all Insurance Companies require co-morbidities. It is also dependent upon your BMI. I don't actually have any strong comorbidities, yet I was approved by a very strict Health Insurance Co. I was denied the first time. See my website for more details. Good Luck, Julie
   — Julie B.

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