a failure @ 8 weeks?

I am 8 weeks post op and have only lost 30 lbs. I feel like a big fat failure. I follow my doc instructions so I don't understand whats going on.PLEASE send some advice my way.I am at the point of just giving up. Thanks    — Tina C. (posted on November 12, 2002)

November 12, 2002
OK, now, slow down. You are not a failure. You are doing fine. I looked at your profile and you are not that far away from where I started BMI-wise. Remember a couple of things: 1) You don't have as much to lose as some of the other folks so you may lose slower 2) You have up to 18 months to lose the weight 3) If you lose a little more slowly, your body will have a chance to catch up with itself and you get the prize of less hanging skin 4) It's normal to feel hopeless at this stage since most people go thru a post-op depression due to fluctuating hormones and other goofy stuff that is happening to your body. You say you are following the program. Keep it up! And stay off the scales! Or at the very least, keep measurements as well. Even though you may not be losing pounds, you may be losing inches. Don't give up on yourself so fast. Think about that 30 pounds as a percentage: If you have 150 pounds to lose you are 20 percent to your goal in ONLY 2 MONTHS! Good luck and happy losing!
   — ctyst

November 12, 2002
Christina, Girl, if you're a failure then move over, I'll join the club. I'm 1.5 months out and I've only lost 20...maybe 23 lbs. I don't know what to say other than keep on keeping on...I keep doing what I'm told--drink lots of water, eat lots of protein..and I'm trying to gauge my caloric intake and keep it about 800 or so a day (though I've been told not to "worry" about calories). And I've been exercising (walking, walking walking)...........I still hope I'm not a failure and I don't think you are either.... maybe we're going to start kicking in and losing more soon! Until then, KEEP THE FAITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>! :-)
   — Karen K.

November 12, 2002
Christina, Girl, if you're a failure then move over, I'll join the club. I'm 1.5 months out and I've only lost 20...maybe 23 lbs. I don't know what to say other than keep on keeping on...I keep doing what I'm told--drink lots of water, eat lots of protein..and I'm trying to gauge my caloric intake and keep it about 800 or so a day (though I've been told not to "worry" about calories). And I've been exercising (walking, walking walking)...........I still hope I'm not a failure and I don't think you are either.... maybe we're going to start kicking in and losing more soon! Until then, KEEP THE FAITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>! :-)
   — Karen K.

November 12, 2002
Christina, Girl, if you're a failure then move over, I'll join the club. I'm 1.5 months out and I've only lost 20...maybe 23 lbs. I don't know what to say other than keep on keeping on...I keep doing what I'm told--drink lots of water, eat lots of protein..and I'm trying to gauge my caloric intake and keep it about 800 or so a day (though I've been told not to "worry" about calories). And I've been exercising (walking, walking walking)...........I still hope I'm not a failure and I don't think you are either.... maybe we're going to start kicking in and losing more soon! Until then, KEEP THE FAITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!
   — Karen K.

November 12, 2002
Christina; just curious, did you by chance read any similar postings (as this) prior to your WLS? I, myself- lost an average of 16.5lbs per month. I say an average because I made a point only to weight at my Doctors appts. I have never been able to do that before, have you? Please, in another 8 weeks, come back and give us an update to this post- tell us how much MORE you've lost (because you will lose more) and you will save countless of others like yourself from the "scale induced panic"........ My suggestion- toss out the scale, next step is perhaps to got to the database and read up on something called "plateau"! Because 9 out of 10 times, that will be next!
   — Karen R.

November 12, 2002
Christina, I don't think you are a failure at all. People lose the weight at different rates. I think 30lbs in 8 weeks is fantastic! Please don't give up. If you are really worried about it then I would personally suggest going to see your surgeon or a nutritionist and see what they have to say. I know when I am feeling down about my weight loss or about what I'm eating I go see my nutrionist. Also any time you need someone to talk to please feel free to email me. Please try not to worry, the weight will continue to come off. I think you are doing great! Huggs! [email protected]
   — Rebekah A.

November 12, 2002
Hi Christina... I feel your pain. I was there almost 2.5 years ago, and I remember how agonizing it was to watch the scale move so slowly. I LIKED your suggestion about giving up! Seriously! What would "giving up" consist of? Would it mean staying off the scale for a while, realxing a bit and counting calories a little less obsessively? If so, it would probably be the best thing for you. I lost my weight even slower than you, I think....but the really good news is that I continued to lose (at my turtles pace) for a full two years. You will see many postings here that imply there is a limited time for the weight loss phase. People seem to think that after one year or 18 months, the window slams shut and you can't lose any more weight. Not true for everyone. The slow losers seem to keep on losing for a longer period of time. (I suppose that this is really more complicated. I'm sure good nutrition and exercise habits play a key role.) If you can just start to relax about how many pounds have come off and focus, instead, on eating right...protein and lots of fresh, wholesome veggies....every day until it becomes like will feel sooo much better and then, when you aren't looking, the weight will come off. I also have to put in a good word for regular exercise. It feels fabulous! When you are eating right and exercising, you start to feel so good and energetic that the whole weight thing becomes secondary. I know that this is a strange concept for most of us here...but you will see. I love my new healthy lifestyle...and...oh yeah! I'm a size 4. How much do I weigh? well...I'm not positive as I don't go near the scale upsets me too much. Believe it or not, I still get depressed when I get on the scale as I still think I weigh more than I should. Weird, huh?
   — Anne G.

November 12, 2002
Hi Christina: Believe me, I know how you feel. It seems as if you do everything right and still the weight does not fall off. At eight weeks I had lost about the same as you. I had been following a mostly all protein diet, avoiding mostly all carbs. I was miserable eating that way. I began to add carbs, such as mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and oatmeal. I was so much more satisfied. I am losing more in my third month than I lost in month 2. Month two was the pits. Please don't give up. Many people tell you not to get weighed, but I was not able to do this. You are not a failure, and the weight will come off. Do not be upset by other posts who lose weight effortlessly. I have had to struggle for every single pound, since the 5th week. But, I am losing and you will too. Please feel free to email me privately if you want to talk. I know how hard this is. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

November 12, 2002
Ditto to what the others have said! Now, to continue the weight loss are you doing the following: drinking 64 oz of water a day, taking your vitamins, protein at every meal, eating small amounts frequently and exercising? If you are, then you will see the weight continue a steady downward climb. Some of us just lose slower than others. The good thing, it continues to go down as long as you do the above!
   — Cindy R.

November 12, 2002
I'm glad you posted this question. I too am 8 weeks post op and have lost 36lbs and find myself being disappointed - which I know is foolish. I know I have hit my first plateau - I need to be patient. If I did not have the surgery I wonder how much weight I would have gained in these 8 weeks. We need to keep positive thoughts!
   — Diane T.

November 13, 2002
Cristina, I am too 8 weeks out. Remember, this is not a race. We all have different bodies, BMI's etc. I am not sure what your starting BMI was, but I read the one on your profile. Your BMI is lower than mine is now, and I have lost weight! Just keep doing the protien first, plenty of water, and move and groove. Our bods have years of evolution working against us. Survival mode!!!! Hang on to all fat stores, we are in a famine now. It will work out. I have heard to very interesting ideas, eat variable amounts in a week, and never do the same exercise for too long, this fools the body into thinking that we are migrating across the plains to hunt food!!!
   — Jenny_B

November 23, 2006
I am right there with you except I have lost a misearble 9 pounds. I am so frustrated and angry with myself. (I had lapband on 10/13/06) My mom had her lapband a full month AFTER me and has lost almost 20 pounds! Believe me I know what you are feeling. I am trying to keep the faith that SOMETHING will happen, but I am ready to give up too! I had a fill at 5 weeks, but it didn't affect anything! I eat protein every two hours and I am still hungry afterward! I go in for another fill next week and am hopeful that I will start actually feeling full after eating! I am tired of eating pretty much just like I used to before surgery and not losing weight! I have almost completely cut out all carbs of any kind and I'm hungry and not losing. It's aggravating to say the least. Especially when there are all kinds of people posting frustratioins at not losing after a year...I just want to LOSE!!!
   — harajah3

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