Why did this make me sick?

A few days ago, my husband was munching on a chocolate bar. He gave me a tiny piece (maybe a 1/2 inch square if that big) and not even 5 minutes after I ate that I got so sick. Felt like I was going throw up and my blood pressure felt like it dropped. I thought I was going to die. (I know, I shouldn't have eaten it in the first place - lesson learned!) The problem is, I know it's not dumping because I had a VBG and we aren't supposed to do that. It was over 2 hours after a light dinner so my pouch wasn't too full. My grandmother suggested that it is because my gallbladder was removed when I had the VBG and she heard that you can't eat chocolate when you don't have a gallbladder. However I haven't had a problem with chocolate flavored pudding or protein drinks. What gives?    — salymsmommy (posted on November 12, 2002)

November 12, 2002
Certainly sounds like dumping. Sure your surgeon didn't do a RNY? Teasing...maybe its your blood sugar. Have you avoided sugar products? Sometimes if you clear your blood stream of sugar, then add some suddenly, it fluctuates the blood sugar causing dizziness etc. Lets see what others suggest.
   — Cindy R.

November 12, 2002
I don't have a gallbladder either and eat chocolate all the time. How far post op are you? I don't know about VBG but I know that the fat in chocolate can make me ill if it's too rich or I eat too much at a time; I had open RNY.
   — LLinderman

November 12, 2002
Before my WLS I was minus a gallbladder and ate chocolate all the time with no problem.
   — Wanda R.

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