Does anybody know what I can use to clear up this heat rash?

I have very large breast and whenever I go out in the heat and get to hot, I get a very painful rash under my breast. Well it's not really a rash it's more like the skin gets raw, red and very painful. I have done it again and I would really like this to be gone before surgery which is only 6 days away, August 13th. Please if you know how to heal this fast pass the information on to me quickly. Thanks so much everyone, laura    — Laura R. (posted on August 8, 2002)

August 7, 2002
Hi, you need to keep a skin protecting ointment on the area (even when it is not raw) to clear up and prevent reoccurance. Use a over the counter diaper rash cream with zinc oxide. Wash the area, dry it well and apply thin coat to area at least 2 times a day to heal and protect the skin. There is also a paste your pharmacist can mix for you called 1-2-3 paste which is pretty good. If this area weeps and collects alot of fluid you can place a dry cloth under the fold to help protect it. Hope this helps.
   — Pam W.

August 7, 2002
I've used the diaper rash cream stuff and well thought it was just too thick and messy. I personally think just good ole corn starch works the best. When I'm having the same concerns, I make a point to dry the area as much as possible first, then put a generous amount of corn starch on the area. Additionally, if it's severe I will reapply it a couple times throughout the day. If you don't think it's working as quickly as you'd like, try using Peroxide (after good washing and drying the area), once it dries then apply corn starch or a medicated baby powder. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Click

August 7, 2002
I get the same rashes. I typically use Gold Bond powder or if it is really bad, I use Tinactin spray. Make sure you wash and pat dry it first and every time. Use these three times per day and it should clear up. Good luck.
   — Shona M.

August 7, 2002
I have used Gold Bond too, but first, after a shower, I put deodorant under my breasts, THEN I put Gold Bond on. Clears it up fast.........for me anyways.
   — Kim B.

August 7, 2002
I know the rash well. It also occurs in the belly flap of skin as well. If able to wash these area gently 2 times a day and dry well. I use gold's medicated powder and under band of bra I put a clean man's hankerchief under each breast. Change when damp. Cotton under pants help. I developed a rash under my arms. It was due to my deoderant. I had tried a new brand which did not agree with my skin. Use as little fragarent scented soaps as possible.
   — Joyce K.

August 7, 2002
Hi Laura, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming surgery! I am one day behind you, Aug 14! HOORAY for us! As for your skin problems, be SURE that some doctor (PCP, surgeon, dermatologist DOCUMENTS the fact that you have this recurring problem (sounds like chronic cellulitis to me)as it may help you to get insurance coverage for medically necessary plastic surgery in the future. The other posters have good ideas about how to relieve the problem, and I want to just add that using a blow dryer helps to really get the area dry without further irritating your skin. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Rebecca T.

August 7, 2002
When I was pregnant with my oldest I had a heat rash "down there" and my doctor did not want me using any powders or anything like that...he had me make a paste using hydrogen peroxide and corn starch...cleared up that rash overnight!! It was great!! Good luck! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

August 7, 2002
This is going to sound really weird but it works. I use my blow dryer (on cool, of course!!) and gently dry that area. Do it several times a day, in addition to the gold bond or corn starch ideas.

August 8, 2002
   — NANCY P.

August 8, 2002
Hi, be careful of the use of baby powders and corn starches in moist places! Yeast thrive in moist warm areas and unfortunately if you don't wash the area and reapply powders multiple times a day - they end up wet and moist. All the hospitals I have worked for (I am a RN) have discontinued the use of powders and cornstarch under skin folds and diaper regions because of the fungal/yeast growth. They now use ointments and creams for protection. Just a thought - good luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Pam W.

August 8, 2002
Hi. I just want to second the previous poster re cornstarch. It can't be said enough -- cornstarch-based powders only serve to feed yeast (which is what most of these rashes are caused by.) There is an ointment that I have used extensively in my practice that works beautifully for raw, painful, even weeping, rashes. It's called Calmoseptine. It's non-prescription, but may have to be ordered from the pharmacist. Most pharmacies can have it for you in a day or two. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

August 8, 2002
Every day I use the hairdryer to dry under my pannus and then I apply Lamosil ointment--yep athlete's foot cream. I do this every day and don't get rashes any more. Before breast reduction it kept the rashes banished under the breasts too.
   — phoebe

August 8, 2002
Desitin baby ointment. It works like a charm! Best wishes,
   — Ann B.

August 8, 2002
You might try AMMEN'S Medicated Powder. It really helps and controls the moisture. I use it almost daily and it is the one that works the best, I have tried baby powder, gold bond powder, but the AMMEN's works the best. I get it at our local Walmart store, hope this helps
   — Jennie D.

August 8, 2002
   — Valerie H.

August 8, 2002
Desitin baby ointment! Had 34DD when I was 12 and 46DD now, have always used this thin or fat! Works like a charm!
   — heathercross

August 8, 2002
   — TAMMY T.

August 9, 2002
I have always used athletes foot medicine and it works great. Its the same kind of rash you get cause its a wet damp area from the sweat. I have always used this when i get it at my legs in my groin area. It clears it up every time.
   — cmonty2855

August 9, 2002
You may wish to have your doctor give you something for this. I was advised to start documenting EVERYTHING so when you go for your TT and Breast Augmentation (should you need these) it will be easier to get insurance to cover it. Just a thought...
   — Bambi C.

August 9, 2002
I have this problem and only mine is itchy and very red. I saw a posting last week on AMOS and thought I'd try it, not knowing if it would work or not but I thought what can it hurt. Use any anti-perspirant deodorant, (I use Secret), after drying well after your shower. It cleared up overnight and no more redness or itch. I was really surprised.
   — Anna Mae K.

August 9, 2002
DESITINE it works wonders .. i like you get that horrid nussance under my breasts and it dries it up overnight.. i use it for acne or heat rash ( ya know the thigh!! good luck:)
   — brandy H.

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