Joyce K. 21 years, 3 months ago

M surgeon has change the way he is telling his patients about nutrition. He and an assistant went to a hospital in Florida where that hospital has performed ofer 4,000 WLS with great success. My sister and I were given new nutritional and exercise packets to read and refer to. We are pleased that Dr. Mitchell keeps up on improving all aspects of WLS. It amounts to this, until a person has lost 75% of his or her excess body weight the nutrition must only be protein. At least 75 grams perday. No carbs, sugar, fruits or vegetales. Exercise the minimum of 5 days a week. He will also be introuducing a line of special designed vitamins etc developed by a doctor in the Fla. hospital for our type of surgery that is more readly absorbed and that we should take coenzime Q 10 three times a day to get rid of the free radicals that cause aging. Now, maybe I don't have it all down exactly as he said it but you get the idea. Just living on protein is not easy when I am still having a hard time eating beef and have not tried pork. As my doctor said, it must be the better cuts of meat as they are more tender and we do have a cadalic of a stomach and need to feed it the correct fuel. Although sausage is pork, it's not a good choice as it has too much fat as does hot dogs or pepperoni. Stick to the basic cuts. I am off two blood pressure medications and my primary doctor said now I am only obese and no longer morbid obese. That is a good feeling. I'll keep you informed as time goes on. God is all powerful and I give him thanks.

Joyce K. 21 years, 4 months ago

January 31, 2003 Well hello everyone. It's been a while since I checked in. As of this morning I have lost 41 lbs since Oct. 16, 2002. Feel very good and continue to go to exercise 2 times a week, water exercise 2 times a week and Tai Chi once a week. It is all helping me tone up and helping with balance since I found out I have peferal neurophy. I am not a diabetic but have had back problems most of my life. The good things. I am stronger and have more energy. Can fit behind a booth table and have pleanty of room behind the steering wheel. An old co-worker was happy to receive all my big clothing and now I am into my smaller things. Get this, I was able to buy a size Large in a regular department, (not women's sizes) Ya-Hoo! Can rack leaves for 3 hours now. I am so blessed and praise God for his blessings. If any of you have ever followed Keith Greenarch's profile you know he has gone through a lot. Well, please all pray for him. He had his 5th surgery on Tuesday of this week and a emergency surgery within 24 hours later which makes it his 6th. He is not doing well. Keith has not left the hospital since May or had food by mouth either. Man complications. Bless you all and pray for Keith

Carol P. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Joyce!! You are my hero!!! If you can do it at 68, I can sure do it at 52!!! CONGRATS on your first 20 lbs and you go girl!!! I'm on the sidelines watching you become the real Joyce!!! Three more days and a wake up for me!!! I'm so happy for US, I could cry!!! HUGS! Carol Percel

Joyce K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Nov.21, 2002 I've been a busy bee lately. First of all I saw my doctor for my month's check up and lost 20 lbs so far. I feel so good. Energy is really kicking in. I can vacume my entire house and not be pooped out. I go for water exercise 2 times a week, strength training 2 times a week and Tia Chi once a week. Old hobbies are appealing to me again. Not bad for being the oldest patient of my doctor. I thank God for all his blessings. We all know there are risks in this surgery but there were more not having it done. For some of you that may be reading this for the first time, pick your doctor carefully and do all your research and go for it. I am 68 and feel like 40. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Joyce K. 21 years, 7 months ago

Oct. 25, 2002 All is going well. I walked about a 1/4 of a mile and then took a nap but felt good. The drain area is closing real fast. I'm hoping in 2 weeks to resume my water exercise and I have registered for TiaChi and strengthening classes. This next year to year and a half is soley for me and my health. I am hungry at times but take my protein drink and it goes away. I am looking forward to soft food in about another week.I AM SO GLAD I HAD THIS SURGERY. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD WISHES AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Carol P. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi again Joyce! I hope you are feeling much better now and have dropped a nice little chunk of weight! You go girl! We're all pulling for you and looking forward to your progress reports. Just remember everyone loses at their own rate so be kind to yourself. ONLY 31 days left for me...WAAAAHOOO for both of us! BIG HUG! Carol Percel

Bobbi B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations on this stage in your journey. You may think its over, but it has just begun. Good luck on your new life. Now that you've woken up you are on the other side of the divide and have boundless opportunity awaiting you. It's up to you. I know you will make the best of it!. Bobbi Brown, Columbus, Ohio

Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

JOYCE~~ WELCOME TO THE LOSING SIDE ~~ Every day will get better!

Gwendolyn A. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Joyce, Congratulations on your recent WLS. I hope and pray that you have a very uneventful and speedy recovery. Best Wishes for a continuous and rapid weight loss.

Joyce K. 21 years, 7 months ago

Oct. 21, 2002 It's me, I have crossed over and life begins again. I feel good, happy and want to dance all night but will wait. Lets go to the surgery date which was to be 6 am on Oct. 16. We got to the hospital and they said they left a message on my ans. machine that the surgery was 9 am. Duh! I was not home but at the hotel. We waited till 9 and were taken to a cozy little room and prepared and hooked up for future IV's. My sister and I had our private prayer and before you knew it the orderly was there with a wheelchair. It had a heated blanket to sit on and another warm one to wrap me up. We proceeded to the holding room which soon got pretty busy. I was blessed along the way. Being anxious I needed someone to distract me. God came to the call. A woman who was learning how to insert the tube in a patient's throat had time and we talked. Next, a very pregnante woman was wheeled in and curtains pulled and I could hear the baby's heart beat. Tears came to my eyes as I felt God said Life Will Go On. Before I knew it I went in at 11 am and the or nurse held my hand as I went to sleep. I awoke in my room with my dear sister at my side as she had promised. I was a little woosy but by 7pm I was walking the halls with no problem except a little weak. The oxygen tubes that fit into you nose are not a problem and don't let anyone tell you different. Pesty little things but not nothing to mention. Who ever complains should have back surgery, now that's a different story. My doctor came in the following day and said I was a textbook case and all was perfect. Each day I walked. My only problem was the gas I could not expell and I looked like I was 25 months pregnante. Proper medication took care of that and it was time for the swallow test on Friday. All o.k. and now some wonderful blue cool aide and yummy Insure Plus diluted. Sat we left for home and I was glad to be home. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOU WONDERFUL NOTES AND PHONE CALLS. IT MEANT A LOT. WE ARE A WONDERFUL FAMILY.God bless you all.
About Me
Mooresville, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2001
Member Since
