What does new haor feel like on your scalp?

I'm going through the usual hair-loss issues right now at 6 months post. I've been noticing (for the last 2 weeks) what feels like stubble on my scalp. Is this new growth? Please tell me the hair comes back-- mine is getting really thin. Thanks!    — lizinPA (posted on July 21, 2003)

July 21, 2003
yep! That's what you're feeling! New hair growth. :)
   — Cheryl M.

July 21, 2003
Beth, Yep you're right, I call them little piggy hairs...... tempting to pluck them out, but I know they'll grow....... Hang in there, I'm on round (2) of the hair loss, started at 7 months post op, now again at 14 months post op , hang in there we'll be ok. Smile !
   — tannedtigress

July 21, 2003
Hey there! I cant speak from experience of the WLS, but after all 3 pregnancies I had major hair loss and then all these little baby hairs coming in! When I pulled my hair back, all the baby hairs stuck straight up and I looked like my newborn, lol! :) It DID grow back though, hang in there :)
   — juderulz

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