Suggestions for Exercise while recovering from injuries

Hi all, I am just about 2 months out from a serious car accident. I have been rehabilitating from knee injuries, head injuries and a broken clavical while finishing law school. Needless to say I've been exhausted all the time and getting through each day takes a lot of effort. I have not been paying a lot of attention to trying to exercise but I've only been losing about 1.5 lbs a week since the accident. So, I am going back to the gym soon to start swimming again. I am looking for other exercise ideas that wouldn't be too taxing on my knee and shoulder or ideas on how to swim most efficiently to make it more aerobic. Thanks!    — susanje (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
Susan-- sorry to hear about your accident-- I hope your recovery is going well. Have you ever tried yoga or Pilates? There are classes all over the country for gentle and beginning yoga, as well as beginning Pilates classes, which will help you strengthen your core muscles, which could help you recover faster and allow you to do more than swim. Even if you think you aren't flexible enough for yoga, don't worry, even men and women in their 80's do it.
   — lizinPA

May 9, 2003
You might want to try deep water running. You don't feel like you are even doing much more than walking when you are in the water but the next day you feel it. It is no impact just like swimming but it works you differently. I am a chronic astmatic along with MO and while I have problmes walking without pain I can do this. Check out a class if there is one available in your area.
   — Beth E.

May 9, 2003
Susan, I'm so sorry for all you've been through, and give you credit for wanting to go back to the gym already! Start out slow and you can always build up to do more, but take it easy, and know that you're weight will still come off, even if it is slower. I believe someone suggested yoga, which I think is a great idea. It's actually a great way to build muscle, you can eventually get strong enough to lift your own body weight, plus its slow and relaxing so it's not to strenuous. Many leg exercise at the gym could be too impactful on your knees, so you'll have to be careful. I think swimming is a great idea as well, you can burn alot of calories doing laps! If you can, I would hire a personal trainer (just for a week is really all you need) and they can walk you through everything that wouldn't be too hard on your recovering areas. Goodluck to you and hope you feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 9, 2003
At the gym I go to, there is a realy great machine called and eliptical trainer. It combines cross country skiing, walking and mountain climbing. The motion is oval instead of linear or round, and has absolutly no impact on joints. Most of them also have bars you can use to work on your upper body as well. It's not jerky at all, and is very smooth, and has no jarring at all. I had a bad knee injury, and my doc recommended using it. Good luck and God bless! 2 weeks out, down 20#
   — mellyhudel

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