Has anyone tried the new birth control patch?

Yes, it's another birth control question. My Doctor has recommended that I try the BC Patch. Just wondering if others have tried it.    — Chloe S. (posted on April 15, 2002)

April 15, 2002
Chloe, I have never even heard of that. Now I am curious...HMMMM. I will have to check on that. I am going to the doctor on Wed. 4-17-02 to get put on birth control. So that is very interisting to me. Let us know what all you find out about it. I will ask my doc on Wed. too. JAMIE
   — jamie C.

April 15, 2002
ATTENTION!!! The patch is ONLY good if you are UNDER 200 pounds. If your doctor says differently, then I'd SERIOUSLY question them. You do NOT want to get pregnant if you're newly post op, or even trying to prevent pregnancy, so please please please, only take this if you are under 200.
   — Paula Prichard

April 16, 2002
I don't know too much about it, but I was under the impression that the only SURE method of BC for the first year or so was a barrior method (condoms) because our hormones are going so crazy. I would ask a lot of questions before relying on it as your only method.
   — Angela B.

April 17, 2002
Didn't think the Ortho Evra patch was out yet!?!? I'm not sure about the 200lb weight restriction...definately check with your Dr. I'm going for Lunelle monthly injectable.
   — missesrita

April 17, 2002
ONE out of EIGHT condoms has a microscopic tear. Condoms are the least reliable form of birth control when compared to the pill, IUD, and good 'ol heavy duty spermacide.
   — Paula Prichard

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