Anyone have any problems with food that was previously tolerated?

Hi, I am just over 1 month postop (surgery Nov. 4), and initially had no problem with any of the stages. However, I am now having trouble with some foods that I previously could handle, for example, scrambled eggs - I can barely eat a half of one, and then it seems to get stuck in my chest. I also have trouble with water, same feeling in my chest. I know it isn't getting "stuck," but it really hurts. What's odd is that more solid foods seem to not give me that kind of feeling. I've lost 30 lbs so far, and am pleased with my weight loss, but I don't understand why I'm having trouble with things that I initially could handle well. Is this something I should call the doctor about, or is this fairly common? I read this website faithfully, and have been helped tremendously by all the input. Thanks for your help. Dot    — Dot R. (posted on December 6, 2002)

December 5, 2002
Regarding the water, some people tolerate it better at different temperatures so you may want to try that. <p> Regarding other foods, the standard seems to be if you can't tolerate something now, try it again in 4 weeks...JR
   — John Rushton

December 6, 2002
With the water, make sure you are still sipping it. When I gulp, I get the lump feeling in my chest. With my food. One day I can eat whatever I want and not vomit, and the next throw up everything that I eat. It's a give and take. 4 months post op on 12/9, 77 lbs down. Goal is 199, 19 lbs to go. Thanks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 6, 2002
I have seen lots of people say they can tolerate something one day and then not the next. The best advice is that John gave you: lay off that food for a month and then try it again. I haven't had a lot of problems with food getting stuck except beef stew. I still can't figure it out because the meat was very soft and I can eat steak no problem since 6 weeks out. But I know I didn't want anymore stew for a LOOOONG time! I still have problems with water but it seems to get better with time. Try mixes or decaf teas. For whatever reason, they are easier to tolerate than plain water. Good luck and happy losing!
   — ctyst

December 6, 2002
Oh, yes!!!! One day I can eat almost anything that is on my diet and the next day it makes me sick. Some days I can eat a large amount and the next day I can eat only a few teaspoonsful. I just go with the flow and do what MY body tells me to do. I agree that you should stay away from the food that makes you sick for a while and then try a tiny amount of it to see how you react.

December 6, 2002
I'm 13 months post-op and STILL can't eat pasta/spaghetti without getting full on about 2 bites. Chicken is also harder on me.
   — Patty H.

December 6, 2002
I am 16 months out and I still can't eat bread and chicken most times makes me nauseous -- even the smell!! But now I will eat a little steak, whereas before, I would not touch it. I really think everything changes after surgery for the good, though.
   — HotMamaDBA

December 6, 2002
Since you are just past that magic 4 week mark, you might rather insist upon being scoped. If you are developing a stricture, it needs to be fixed. Soon. Since your problem started out of nowhere, I doubt it's "you". It's a farily simple fix, as many will attest.
   — vitalady

December 6, 2002
Heck yea! I am 3 months out and I used to be able to handle chicken and pasta and now both make me sick. Also I can't eat shrimp but I have no problems with crawfish, even though they are basically the same thing. I can't eat bread, but flour tortillas are ok they just fill me up super fast. On the other hand I have heard other people who have issues with beef and I can have that any style with no problems. I think this is normal and unless you have trouble with everything you eat I wouldn't worry too much about a stricture. Good Luck!
   — salymsmommy

December 6, 2002
Try cutting EVERYTHING into PENCIL ERASER SIZED BITS. Early on many do this faithfully, then forget and have troubles. Eventually you will likely be able to eat normally. Like I can eat a piece of chicken off the bone. Jen tried that early on and barfed every time. Now she can do it too. In the first 6 months theres NO WAY I copuld eat like that. <P> If you begin having trouble getting water down call your Doc ASAP, thats a sign of a stricture...
   — bob-haller

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