
I am having to take massive quantities of calcium because my blood levels bottomed out when I had my thyroid removed. While in the hospital, they gave me 3 pills twice a day for 4500mg of Calcium Citrate. I am now supposed to be taking 6000mg twice a day, but cannot find a pill that states it is 1500mg per pill. Most state something to the effect of, "Calcium ...............315mg...............32% (As calcium citrate) (from 1500mg calcium citrate)" Stating that they are 1500mg per pill. Help! I'm not sure what I'm taking, but the way that I read the bottle, I had to take 9 pills to get 3000mg. Thanks!!    — tmchase62 (posted on September 25, 2005)

September 25, 2005
Wow! That is a lot of calcium!! I cannot direct you to a pill, but I do suggest asking your MD to write a prescription for you. A pill(s) that has that large amount of MGs is probably available through prescription -- also your insurance might pay part of it.
   — ** Judy **

September 25, 2005
I would agree with Judy. Ask for a prescription from the doctor.
   — catleth

September 25, 2005
Be really careful with that amount of calcium citrate because you may develope kidney stones. You can get calcium citrate in 600 mg tablets and it has vitamin D, I think the brand is Citacal. I get it at Osco, part of the Albertson Family of stores in the Chicago area.
   — ChristineB

September 26, 2005
Calcium CARBONATE is the form of calcium that can cause kidney stones, not the citrate type. I would suggest a consultation with VITALADY regarding the type and amount of calcium you should be taking.
   — lizinPA

September 26, 2005
I agree with asking your doctor either for a prescription or for a recommendation on a brand to take. The prescription would probably be easier and cheaper.
   — Novashannon

September 26, 2005
Are you sure on the amount of calcium... I had my surgery at the end of June and they told me I needed to take 1500mg a day of calcuim and that your body can only handle 500-600 mg at a time and you need to space your intake out otherwise it will just pass through your system with out being used. The time frame is every 4 hours,
   — jpcal

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