Five Foot Four, Tell Me if You Think 120 Is A Realisitic Goal Weight?

I would like to know if you think my goal weight is realistic. I am about 5'4" and would like to go down to 120 pounds. I am 6 months postop lap rny, currently weighing 161 pounds. Also, if this is possible, what size do you think I will wear. Thanks.    — Grace H. (posted on March 5, 2003)

March 4, 2003
I'm 5'2" and 48 years old. My doc says that a good goal for me is 126 lbs. If he's right, your goal would be a bit low. Personally, at only 2 weeks postop and at 321 lbs., I think the doc is hilarious. If I get under 150, I'll be amazed.
   — Diane M.

March 4, 2003
I am 5'3" and hoping to get to 120 or so. I am now 11 months post op and 137-ish. Not sure if I will make it or not, but I think it is realistic depending on your motivation and stick to it-ness. The last 20 pounds are harder to lose, I have found. I am wearing size 8 comfortably but can fit into size 5/6's without laying down. :) I just don't like pants pushing my skin up over the jeans, so I go a bit looser. Good luck in all you do.
   — A. S.

March 4, 2003
I'm the same height and when I weighed around 140 (YEAAAAAAAARS ago and only briefly!!) I wore a size 10 or a loose 12. Since that is as small as I can ever remember being, that is my ultimate goal for the time being. I think that 120 is on the low end of the weight range for our height, but, what are goals besides something to work for, right? Doesn't hurt to work at it as long as you don't set that up to be the end all-be all of your existence :)
   — Rhoni333

March 4, 2003
I am 5'2'',weighed 230 lbs the day of surgery, now 1 year post op and weigh 115 lbs, and wearing a size 3/4. My original goal was 126 lbs, but I decided to change that to 115 just because they say you can gain back about 10 lbs once your body starts adjusting to the goal weight. I went for my 1 year f/up appt last week and my surgeon said he thought as time progresses I may end up back around 120 lbs which he feels is a good weight for me. They lowered my daily protein intake to 50 grams per day and said I have to start adding more carbs to maintain. Sounds like you are doing really well with the weight loss...not much more to go and you'll be at goal!! Contrats
   — Kelly T.

March 5, 2003
hiya! i'm 5' 1/4" and was 268lbs pre op. i was weighed yesterday and i'm at 120lbs now (almost 21 mos post op) so i think its an attainable goal. i exercise regularly, take in a lot of protein, drink a lot of water, take my other words - follow the rules...but for me i also don't count calories and if i want something sweet, i have a little and don't stress. good luck kate
   — jkb

March 5, 2003
I am 5' 3" started at 238 45 years old and i am now 10 months post op and weigh 123 and wear a size ZERO ! so it will depend on how much you tone it all up and your how your body is shaped and following those rules . best wishes!
   — rhondan

March 5, 2003
I'm 5'2 and weigh 128. I wear a size 8 or a small in tops and a size 4 in pants. I always wanted to weigh 118 (probably because I've NEVER weighed that), however, once I hit about 125, I realized I looked like CRAP. Sometimes your body redistributes weight and you really DON'T look good at a lower weight. Do I think you can hit the 120 goal? Absolutely. Do I think you'll like the way you look? Why don't you wait and see what you look like at 130.
   — Patty H.

March 5, 2003
Good question. I am 5' 3 3/4", we'll call it 5'4". I am just over 5mos out. Started @ 245 size 24-26 and now I am 171 size 16. My goal is 125, my doc said that is an acceptable weight although she prefers 130-135. As to the size, who knows. I have heard people at my weight and height say they are in a 10. I can't understand that, I know we are all different but I consider myself average in shape, I mean I am not more heavy on bottom than top so the size thing is always interesting to me. I think your goal is fine. Good luck :) shan 9/25/02 245/171/125
   — Shanchel

March 5, 2003
Hello, I am just shy of 5 4". Started at 255, now 137, I am 18 months out. I'm all skin right now. I can comfortably wear a size 4 and smalls. I started out in size 20. For our height 145 is the "max" healthy weight. In all truth, 120 is an acceptable weight for our height, but on the low end. MY doc said that 135 would be just fine and would advise against going any lower. I would just once in my life like to weigh 120 something so my goal is 129! Good luck!
   — Lucky Gal U.

March 5, 2003
Fascinating to read the various opinions. I'm 5'4" and 120 has always been my dare-I-breathe-it-aloud? fantasy goal weight. I think I was about 10 the last time I was anywhere near it. But I'm always amazed by the variety of weights/sizes people report. I must be very flabby, because I'm often wearing the same size that people who are 50-60 pounds heavier than me are wearing. At the moment I'm at 175 pounds and wearing 16-18W; I've seen other people at that weight who claim to be wearing 10's! I've also heard the claim--don't know whether it's true or not--that people who have been morbidly obese for many years have heavier bones and organs and will never get as low on the charts as normies do. I think the best bet is to keep an open mind, see what your body seems to want to get to and where you look and feel good, no matter what the scale says.
   — Celia A.

March 5, 2003
I think it can be done, and has. But if you don't get to that, don't get frustrated either. It gets harder after months to lose weight, you may have to try a little harder. It's slowed down for me, but I'm still losing and very happy! It's hard to weigh that little! :) Even if you were 130 0r 140, you would still look great, ofcourse I'm sure you do now! I am 5'2" and weigh 140 and am in a size 8. I want to be 130 and a size 6. I think at 120 you will be a 4 or so, maybe smaller-hard to tell sometimes the way all stores are so different! Goodluck to you and congrats on your weight loss so far!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 5, 2003
I'm 5'3 and was told by my surgeon that the "insurance charts" say that I should weight 120lbs. I use to weight 2nd grade! Anyway he also said that this surgery he expects me to lose 50%-70% of my excess body weight, which would still leave me MO. So I know going into this I have to work it, work it (line from Pretty Woman) to get to a place where I have never been before. Personally, I think I would look sick at 120, would be content at 150-180 but I'll see what happens...heck I could probably stop at 180 because I'll have 60lbs of skin to be removed. As far as what size you'll.....have no idea...I still squeeze into some 26/28 clothes and everything else is stretch!
   — Sarahlicious

March 5, 2003
Grace, its not unrealistic, but I think you need to look at your bone structure, what size you'd like to end up and how easy it will be to maintain the weight you end up. Personally, I think the lower your weight, the harder to maintain (less calories needed to maintain lower weights). I'd prefer to be a more reasonable, average weight and size and eat a bit more rather than get down to a size 4 and have to maintain that. I think with my large bone structure, at 5'3, if I weighed 120 I'd probably be a size 2 and look too thin and sick. I'd prefer being closer to 140 and a size 8 perhaps? But I think its very possible to get to 120 if you wanted to.
   — Cindy R.

March 6, 2003
I am a tad under 5'4" and I weigh 123. I have been maintaining this weight for about a year. I do exercise 4x a week and lift weights regularly. I am currently wearing a 2/4.
   — M P.

March 7, 2003
I agree with Cindy-- it depends on your bone structure, among other things. I am very large-boned, and the weight goal my surgeon gave me is 137-151. Yes, that sounds so high, I'd love to be 130! However, I'm down to 197 from 222, and already my top has gone from a 2x to a Large. I probably will be a size 12 if I ever reach 150. For someone with my bone structure, that may be the best 5'4" can do. But, if you are small-boned, 120 may be realistic, though on the low side. Wait and see how you look as your weight drops.
   — Beth S.

March 9, 2003
hiya. i'm 5'1/4" and pre op was 268lbs. 21 months post op i am 120lbs ... i have large bones. my goal weight was 135 which i attained 13 mos post op. i exercise regularly, lift weights and drink protein supplement daily. give yourself a goal weight that you are comfortable with and if you loose more, than so be it! {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

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