4 months postop

Hi Everyone: Something strange has been happening to me, and I wonder if any of the other veterans out there have had this experience. From the beginning, surgery August 21, 2002, I have followed my surgeon's instructions as if they were from God. Protein, water and exercise have been my middle name for the first three months. During this past month, I am 4 months postop, I have experimented with food with carbs, sugars, and fats, always putting protein first, getting in the 55 grams per day required by my doctor. The amazing part is that I have lost more weight in the last 10 days than I did in month two. I was so discouraged following every detail down to the letter, and losing only 9 pounds in month two. Now that I am not so compulsive the weight is coming off faster, and life is so much easier. I had a difficult recovery, not because of complications, but due to depression and other things that I could not put my finger on. It took me three months to bounce back. I think part of the problem was that I was not losing weight well at all. I knew the surgery worked, because I was not hungry. I still am not hungry. Anyone else had this experience? Love ya all. Love Grace    — Grace H. (posted on December 23, 2002)

December 23, 2002
Grace, I'm just glad to hear that something is working well for you. I think that sometimes you have to mix it up a little bit. Congratulations.
   — Amber L.

December 23, 2002
I experienced the same thing. I was never really told to stay clear of carbs, but did because of what I read on this sight. I still try to stay away from the simple carbs like bread and sugary things, but I do eat popcorn and fruit. Keep up the good work. I figure something must be working for me I am 5 months post op and have lost 105 pounds.
   — tulagirl

December 23, 2002
I read your profile after I posted my answer. You definitely started out as a light weight compared to me. I think that your loss is pretty much on schedule for your body. You are doing great.
   — tulagirl

December 23, 2002
If you are doing any type of exercise you need to eat more food than is recommended. I was in the same boat you are and I upped my food intake and started losing more weight. I also find that mixing the protein and carbs are a good thing. Although I do try to keep my carbs low. I think the water intake is more important than cutting carbs. I'm not the fastest loser in the world, but I hope my 2 cents will be of some help to you.

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