Triathlons and Smaller Clothes

May 29, 2010

A week ago I signed up for my first triathlon.  I decided to instead do the Dewey Beach Triathlon since I know someone else who is also participating in that race.  I've spent the past few weeks getting prepared to start cross-training.  I haven't found a program to follow yet which is causing a little of anxiety since I like to have some more structure around my workouts.  I'm considering a coach, but the only person that I've found who is a coach lives in Sterling and costs $120/month even though she will be primarily working me online and via phone.  But I have some time to sort all of this out.  I've been on my bike twice and I'm starting to get more comfortable with it.  Next week I'll be ready to try a longer ride, perhaps even on the Parkway?  I just don't like having such heavy traffic, even though there is a bike path.

Other news is that I'm at around a 75 pound weight loss.  Initially I didn't think I would hit 100 pound weight loss by my 6 month appointment, I know believe that I will be able to achieve that.  This is HUGE.  Not only will I have lost 100 pounds, but I'll be out of the 200's, and be the smallest weight that I've been since I was 15 years old. 

Today I tried on a pair of size 16 pants and they fit! They were a little snug, but I haven't been able to get into 16's since I was 15 years old.  When I held up the pants after I took them off the hanger I thought to myself, there is no way will I be able to fit into these! Ha, well surprise, surprise I was able to zip them up without any problems! I just picked up the first pair I could find, and they happened to be those ridiculous "skinny jean" look, my mom liked they way they looked, I hated it, but I'm still stoked about the 16's and being down 5 sizes now.

Have a happy Memorial Day!


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Dec 27, 2009
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