Results on the 5 day pouch test!!

May 06, 2011

Ok so, I made it through for the most part the first 2 days and then I kind of went off track! But, on a good note I lost all the way back down to 204 at one time and now I'm back up to 206. I lost about 8 lbs in 2 days so it did work for me but I would love to go back and do it again. So starting Monday I am going to try it again just to see if I can stick through it. I didn't go back to the way I was eating or anything I just went back to eating sooner then I should have. I am trying to really learn from this and I think I have somewhat. I am back to drinking my protein shakes everyday and taking my multi-vitamin also. I am trying to go back to not drinking 30 minutes before and after each meal (that is harder then it sounds). And I'm trying to stop when I feel satisfied not when I am so full to where I can't stand it. Also, I am back to eating slower then what I was. I hope this continues to help. I will keep updating.

5 day pouch test!

Apr 30, 2011

I am starting the 5 day pouch test today! Wish me luck! I will update periodical during these 5 days and let you know how things are going! I don't know if everyone knows what it is but if you don't I will explain if needed!!! I hope everyone is doing well and please let me know if you guys have any advice that have been through this! Thanks.

22 month post-op

Apr 19, 2011

Hello to everyone!! I know it's been a LONG LONG time since I've been on here! I guess my excuse is just like everyone Elses you just get busy and kind of forget where you came from! Well, I am here to give an update finally. There's not really a whole lot to say as far as weight loss. I've actually gained a few pounds and I'm not too happy. But I have finally joined a gym and not I've got to get motivated to get going everyday and get these last 30 lbs off. I've been the same weight forever it seems like. I guess I got it stuck in my head that I wouldn't gain any weight and I could eat whatever I wanted too. Boy was I wrong!! I've been really bad here lately and I've fallen off the band wagon, BUT I have realized what I am doing wrong and I'm trying my best to take small steps to get me back on track and remember where I started and where I don't wanna end back up. Other then the weight issue, I had my blood work done about 2 weeks ago and the only that was off whack was my Vitamin B12 and my Vitamin D. I am on Vitamin B12 shots once a week for a month and then I go to once a month. I am also taking Vitamin D 50,000 units once a week for a while, I'm not for sure how long. Other then that, I'm doing and feeling great. I hope I can keep in touch on here more often and I hope everyone is doing well. I hope to hear from you guys soon! I will be looking at everyone's profile looking at their updated information, so if you haven't updated I'll be looking forward to seeing updates. I will also be posting some new pics soon too!!

1 year post-op Gastric Bypass!

Aug 08, 2010

WOW! Where has the time gone? Sorry it has been soooo long! But I did want to get on here and update everyone of my progress. I am now over a year post-op and I have lost a little over 110lbs. I now weight 200lbs and that's from 311lbs from the start. So I am very happy with everything that has happened so far. My difference in cloths size is amazing also. I went from a 24/26 to 16 pants, and from a 2x/3x down to a l/xl in shirts. I don't want to feel like I am bragging but I feel really great and I am truly happy with what has happened. Having this surgery has helped me over come a lot of self conciseness and fulfill some of my dreams. For example next Monday I am starting school to become a Massage Therapist. I would have never of done that a year ago just because of my weight. I still say this is the best thing I could of done for myself. Thank you guys for all of your support and I hope to try and stay in touch. =)


FINALLY posted some new pics!

Feb 10, 2010

A lot of people have been asking so I did and I can not believe the difference already. I'm still doing great! If you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask.

I'm back....

Dec 23, 2009

Sorry it has been a while, just enjoying my new and improved life since surgery. Things have changed sooo much for the better and I'm loving it. So far I have lost about 80lbs and my 6 months is December 30th. So, I'm doing ok I could have done much better if I would be exercising like I should be. But at the first of the year I'm getting my butt back on track! I've been really bad here lately and I need to stop before I fall back into my bad habits. I'm going to have to make this one short and sweet because I'm at work and I shouldn't be on here. LOL!! So I PROMISE I will be on here more often because you guys are the ones who keep me motivated and I need to have more of all of you in my life. :)

Much over due update! :)

Oct 21, 2009

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been extremely busy. I'm moving in a few weeks, been trying to get packed up. Soo... enough about that. So far I've lost almost 60lbs. I think that's pretty good but my surgeon seems to think I should have lost a little bit more by now. I'm almost 4 months out so, yeah I probably should have. But my lord, I've lost 60 FREAKIN POUNDS!!! That's the most I have EVER lost on any diet or exercise routine. So of course I am thrilled shitless. LOL!! I've had soooo many off scale victories so far. Too many to list! I can fit in ALL of my smaller size clothes that I saved from when I was smaller. After I shrink out of these it clothes shopping for me!!! =) I have some new pics that I need to put up so you guys can see my progress. I've also had alot of people asking me if I would do this over again and I say "IN A HEART BEAT!" It is truly the best thing that I have done for myself. If anyone on here is debating on weather or not to have it feel free to ask me any questions!!! I'm sure you already know my answer!! LOL!! But I guess I will go for now, I'll try to update soon if I have any thing new or interesting to share!! Thanks for reading and keep up to date with my progress. =)

1 comment

UPDATE!!! :)

Aug 20, 2009

It's that time again! :) Sooo..... let's see here. So far I've lost 35lbs as of today and people are starting to notice and I am starting to get excited! But it seems like it has taken me FOREVER to get this far. MAN!! I know my weight will still come off steady but it just seems like at any moment I'm going to stop loosing and never lose a pound again. LOL!! I can just about eat anything most of the time. Sometimes I get a hold of something that just does not agree with my new pouch and I have to vomit it up. But that's not too often. So what else....? I can't think of anything else but if you have any questions I will be more then happy to try and help!

It's been a while!

Jul 14, 2009

Sooo, it's been since the night before surgery since I've updated. So here it goes, I went to the hospital Tuesday morning nervous as to be expected just waiting to get started. They got me back to pre-op really fast and got me an IV started and fluids going. I had to wait in pre-op for 2 hrs before I could go back for surgery. They gave me the "happy juice" right before they took me back to the OR room and by time I got over to the operating table I was out. I don't remember anything after that. I remember waking up in recovery saying "is it over with already?" LOL! So all of that went extremly well. They got me set up in my room and wanted me to get up and start walking within 4 hrs of me waking up from surgery. I did pretty good with that too. Just kind of sore. I got to go home Thursday morning and boy was I ready! All of that was the easy part, the hard part started when I got home. I've done pretty well with the clear liquid diet. Even though there where times when I was like "why in the world did I do this, I just want to be able to eat what I want to eat." It was hard and it still is. I'm on the pureed diet now and it's a little better but it's still hard to stick too. But I guess I'll make it. I'm just ready to eat real food again!! LOL! So there's my update I hope I didn't bore you all too much, but hopefully I can get into a habit of updating on a regular basis. Until next update.....


Jun 28, 2009

Is the big day! I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself. If anyone one here thinks about it please keep me in your prayers tomorrow morning! My surgery is suppose to be at 12pm, I've got to be there by 10am. My Surgeon is having me do some different things that I haven't heard anyone say so I thought maybe you guys would like to know. This afternoon I've got to Drink a whole bottle of Magnesium Citrate around 4-5pm. Then I've got to put a nausea patch behind me ear sometime tonight, it's called Transderm Scop. Ok then I've got to take 2 Nexiums the night before surgery and everyday for 6 months after to help prevent ulcers. After that I've got to take Avelox the night before surgery. It's an antibiotic to help prevent infections. And last but not least I have to wash myself in Hibiclens tonight and in the morning to try to get rid of as many germs as I can. And in the morning I've got to take another nausea pill called Reglan 2 hours before surgery. Oh and course I can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight. I just wanted to share all of this just to see how different everything is compared to others. But, I'm getting a little nervous but I know I'll be fine. I'll let everyone know how I'm doing when I can. Thank you for all the support!!

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Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2008
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