It comes in three's....

Sep 01, 2011

Ok ... so I am not a good blogger. For more than one reason.  My typing sucks, so does my spellign and well I am not a word person. But I thought it was time to update as Lots has happend and it seems not to stop.
Surgery was a success on Aug. 17th 2011 at 8 am. You walk right into the OR which kinda felt  little funny. Lots of doctors and nurses around all of whom i will never remember. That being said I felt good going in, no second guessing and very ready to get her done. WELL.... when i woke up I was thinking WHAT THE HECK did I do. They must have pumped so much gas into me to fill a hot air balloon. I had such tremendous pain from it i thought i was going to go crazy with the pain.  ( it was expected though as i have not had good luck with Lap surgery)  So that put me in recovery for 6 hours partly due to the sleep apnea and partly due to pain control.  I rememer the doctor telling me to calm down or i would put myself into cardiac arrest!! That did it... I did my slow breathing as best I good, they got it under control and I had a reallly good sleep.  Later that same doc came to me to tell me I scared him and that he was glad I was doing OK.

In the room, I got a window view. Beautiful Barriatic Bed and Wonderfull nurses that took great care of me. My roomie was in shortly after me and we started our stay together but burbing and tooting outloud!! Ya that is a sure way to get to know someone.  Linda was great, we had some good laughs and high fives walking down the hallway tring  to get our bodies moving.  Night time was not so bad except my monitor would go off due to my heart beat, hers would go off due to her oxygen and in between all that we are tooting and burbing. Not much good sleep the first night, but the good meds were coming so I did not mind.  Love my roomie so happy to have met her and call her friend.

Home - I was sent home on time on Friday. With my happy meds and a list of things to do. My amazing mom came to stay with us and took care of the family. But by Sat. I was having a low grade fever, very bad port pains and my meds were NOT doing the job. ( liquid Tyenol sucks and made fell nauseous)  So off to the Civic at 7pm to get check out.  Admitted by the 2am, but no beds. There for I had to sleep in a storage room on a little bitty bed. But hey at least i got to lie down to rest. By 8 am I was in observation, had a CT scan and was waiting results in my room by 2pm. ( back in the barriatric/trama department)

I had a minor infection, was told there was a hair in one of my insions but that it was not a bid deal they were sending me home with antibiotics and to come back if I needed too. Off I go with more meds, better pain meds and ready to start my journey.

Then I read on hear that Ottawa has a staple recall on the staples that they used on ME and about 40 others. WTF...REALLY I panic a bit but talked to a friend here on OH and my angel and was back to it is all going to be OK quickly.  What happen was that the Packaging that the staples came in were not meeting the standard testing that they do. I met with someone from the hospital and was feeling good that they were doing everything to keep us safe. Watch out for Fever, nauseous,  swelling and come on it if you have any worries.  

But I am not done just yet....
Two weeks out feeling great!!!! Eating food with little to no problems. I just have to remember to eat slowly and sip water NOT gulp. And then WAM....I have now pulled a muscle on my left side. This puts me back into NO driving, NO bending  and No pulling or lifting anything.  I called the OWLC and they saw me right away.  Sent me for some test and I have an Ultrasound on Tuesday.  They just want to make sure that it is not a hurnia (sp?) or my pancreas. Even though it is presenting it self as muscle damage.... fun fun fun

So I think I am done... I hope I am done.  Looking forward to speedy recovery from here on in. Crossing my fingers that Nothing  else will happen.

Lost so far.... 40 pounds!! My cloths actually fit, I have lost an inch off my neck and the measuring tape fits around my thighs!!   It is all good...and I am very thankful for this opportunity to get healthy.

whew... next blog entry who knows... 20 pounds from now  :)


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Mar 11, 2010
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