Here are my 15 Beginner Rules concerning WLS.

Feb 17, 2011

(1) Get your daily Protein requirements in (60 – 80 grams – ask your Doctor)
(2) Drink at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated/non-caffeinated liquid. (3) No drinking while eating and/or 30 minutes before and/or after meals .  (4) Remember eat: Protein first, then fiber (ex veggies/fruits) then (if there is room) good carbohydrates. (5) Before you put that piece in your mouth, ask yourself “Would I give this size to a baby?” (6) Chew, Chew, Chew (until it feels like baby food consistency) (7) Wait 30 to 60 seconds between putting another piece food in your mouth (8) Each meal should take at least 25 to 30 minutes to complete (9) Eat until you are full, not stuffed (10) Make sure foods (especially meats) are moist (11) Eat at the same time everyday (12) Remember, during the operation they put the tool around your stomach, and not your brain. So, you will need to do some self control. (13) Exercise – begin slow (example walk; climbing a flight of stairs; park in the furthest spot in the lot) and then gradually increase (14) If you feel like “snacking” do something else (ex. Go outside; call a (WLS) friend; come to the board and post, etc) (15) Know I am always here to help you !!

