One Year Out

Mar 08, 2009

Hey everyone!

I wanted to drop in and give a little update.  I am now down to 149 which is normal for my 5'5 frame (I was mismeasured in the beginning at my surgeons office) I still have some work to do as far as getting control of the skin issues I have.....I hate the skin and would love to have it cut off.....

Overall I am doing good...Great with the RNY but having back problems right now and I am sure things will get better.  

Thanks to all of you that have helped me get through this point in my life.  I am still happy with my decisions and wouldn't change a thing.



6 month stats

Aug 24, 2008

Neck 14 inches
Waist 38 inches

Hips 42 inches

Thighs 22 inches

Chest under breasts 35 inches

Breast 40 inches

Weight 181 pounds :-)

3 month stats

May 18, 2008

waist   39 in 
hips    43 in 
thigh   24 in 
chest Under breast   37 in 
breast 41 in 

204 pounds! 

1 month Stats!

Mar 18, 2008

Well, it's been a month now.  I am doing good...except for my strictures....

Here is the stats:

225 pounds!  17 pounds since surgery day!

waist   44 in  -3
hips    47 in  -1
thigh   26 in  -3
chest Under breast   38 in  -3
breast 44 in  -4
neck    15 in  -0

Had my scope

Mar 08, 2008

Had my scope this morning.  I had a stricture and he had to stretch it with a balloon that went in the scope....He said I may have to have it done again in a few weeks....

Update on me

Mar 07, 2008

Well, I ended up in the ER day before yesterday....I was having severe chest pains and could hardly breathe. The day before that I had went to the doctor for my 2 week checkup and told him I've been having pain on and off.  He scheduled me for a scope tomorrow.  I thought it was normal part of healing until I experienced the severe "attack" day before yesterday.   Well, I was in so much pain I couldn't take it. It hurt to breathe and I had to force myself.  I went in and they xrayed me.....and took some blood also gave me 2 bags of fluid in my IV.  My potassium was low...I am thinking that may have played a big part in my pain?  Not sure but I guess we will see tomorrow!

I'm home!

Feb 20, 2008

I came home today from the hospital..all the doctors that came to see me said I was doing great and couldn't believe that I was doing so well. 

Let me tell you a little about what happened.  Monday I went in to Norton Suburban around 10 and they took me back to a preop room.  after getting my urine and taking some blood I took my clothes off and put a lovely gown.  They went and brought hubby back with me.  a little bit later the surgeon came in to make sure that it was still a go and told me I could back out still...I was like NO WAY!   After he left the anesthesiologist came in with a little cocktail that made me feel pretty good, no more butterflies.  They took me back after a little bit and I said goodbye to my hubby.  I was awake the whole time until they put the mask on my face and didn't feel the slightest bit anxious. 

When I woke up in the recovery room a couple of docs came to visit me to check on me.  I didn't feel any pain at all....As a matter of fact I was up talking to the recovery nurse.  This hospital was so far the best experience I've had in any hospital...And believe me....I've been to alot!! unfortunately.  Well, I had to wait a long time in the Recovery room for my room to get ready (6 hours)  so they let my husband come back there and sit with me. 

All bariatric patients get there own private room.  There was another bed in there but they didn't pair me up with anyone.  I had a PCA pump with Demerol that I barely had to use.  I think this was because of the ON-Q painbuster i had....THE thing is awesome!!!!!!!!  It saved me from so much pain....It's a God send!  I got my nasal tube out around 1....that was BS...felt like a piece of sandpaper being brought up my nose.  ick!  in the morning I got my cath out.....Pills are kinda hard for me...Just feel like a lump....He gave me some lortab liquid for home. (yuck) 

My experience was awesome and I don't think the hospital could have done any better! When I was being discharged the head RN came in and brought me a lap blanket that volunteers make to say that they are thinking of us....HOW SWEET!  

Beginning measurments

Feb 13, 2008

preop tape:

waist   47 in
hips    48 in
thigh   29 in
chest Under breast   41 in
breast 48 in
neck    15 in

246 pounds 5 days before surgery

Vena Cava filter put in

Feb 06, 2008

Hey all,

I had my filter put in today....wasn't painful at all....just a bit sore now in the groin area. I'm just glad that part went off with out any problems.


Jan 10, 2008

FEBRUARY 18!!!!!

About Me
Radcliff, KY
Surgery Date
Aug 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 61

Latest Blog 19
6 month stats
3 month stats
1 month Stats!
Had my scope
Update on me
I'm home!
Beginning measurments
Vena Cava filter put in
