beth R. 20 years, 6 months ago

hi everyone, i'm down to 219 and feeling good, a bit depressed though, i am on a plateu from hell and to top it all off, my iron is dangerously low. now i've been anemic for years and was always told to take iron tabs. well, i go for my 9 month lab work and my regular doc wants me to see a hemotolgest. i'm like ok, and go and find out that my hemo is 9. normal is 30. now, i am a nurse so i'm starting to get into panic mode, but he says it's ok, take 4 tabs a day..... i do this for 3 weeks and NO IMPROVEMENT! all it's doing is making me constipated. so now i have to have iron transfusions. YAY! sorry, i needed to vent. love to all

beth R. 21 years, 1 month ago

hi everyone, i went for my 6 week checkup yesterday and i'm 35 lbs down, and now my bmi is 51! i feel great, only downer is still having problems with my incision line. i return to work on monday. blessings to you all whever you are in your journey

Linda A. 21 years, 2 months ago

Congratulations on your surgery! The next year is going to be the most amazing of your life. I just want to let you know that here in the beginning is the toughest part. You will feel better than normal soon! These first few weeks and the surgery will only be a memory and you will be on to your new life. I am 10 months post op and I have lost nearly 130 pounds. I went from a size 24 to a 4 in a little over 6 months. Miracles do and will happen for you. I have tried to keep a profile that can be used as a resource. That answers all of the questions that I had when I was in your shoes. And links to various places to do more of your own research. If you have any questions or just need someone to talk to that understands please feel free to email me. Here is a link to my profile.

I U. 21 years, 2 months ago

HiBeth, I had what looked like a bullet wound the size of a quarter and 3.5 inches deep from my lap RNY Dr told me just to pack it with neosporin well...i got an infection and my PCP told me this and this worked and it closed up in no time, get some wound get it at rite aid or sav on it is by blairex it is a saltwater saline wound wash you spray it on the open incision and it irrigates the wound then put the neosporin on it and cover with gauze it should heal in no time. hope this helps lap rny 2-10-03

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 2 months ago

Hi there, I just want to say, Best wishes to you on your wl journey and CONGRATULATIONS on the weigh loss. Hang in there everyday will get better. God Bless, Hugs

beth R. 21 years, 2 months ago

hi amos family i wanted to share my joy! i weighed in tonight at the btc support group for the heck of it and guess what? 17 lbs gone forever! and i'm out only 8 days wow! god is great!

George B. 21 years, 3 months ago

Beth - Congratz on taking the big step. I was in the Bariatric Center this past Monday (I had a small complication and had an infection), I had surgery there on December 23rd and have lost 63 lbs so far! The people at BTC are WONDEFULL! Good luck on your new path. George

lovedove 21 years, 3 months ago


beth R. 21 years, 3 months ago

hi everyone, i'm home from surgery. no complactions. the staff at btc were awesome! thank you to all my amos family members who posted on my page! god bless

Debra F. 21 years, 3 months ago

My prayers are with you and all that have been suppoting you. I Pray that all went well and you enjoyed waking up on the losing side.
About Me
croydon, pa
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2002
Member Since
