The virtual me

Feb 12, 2007

This is suppose to be me now 315 @ 5'7

Me Now and Later

Feb 05, 2007

Ok so I've done all appointments the last one being with the surgeon on 1-12 and now it's what guessed it the waiting game. Oh do I loath the waiting game.  My Nutritionist takes along time to get her report in; they tell me.  I've seen some that it has taken 3 months! Lord, don't let it take 3 months because that messes everything up.  See I saw her on 1-2 and if it takes her 3 months then that puts me at April 2nd and then of course I need to give my boss a month notice and that puts me at May 2nd and well that will never work cause every week from mid May to the end of July someone is on vacation. Please God make her mind sharp and fingers swift and her other obligations small.  Well I  have been working out 4 days a week and that makes me feel good.  I want to be in the best shape possible for my surgery.  I'm so excited I can't wait and I'm so nervous too.  Oh I passed my CT test I'm now qualified to do my job (officially) lol !  Oh well off to church.

Exercise,tests, and measurements!!!

Jan 24, 2007

Ok so I went to the NuT on Jan 2 and had a Body Comp. Test and I was surprised I have 138.8 lbs of muscle  YAYAYAYAH ME :-)  but I also have 176 lbs of fat UGGGGH :-(  !!!! But I guess I knew I was fat or I wouldn't be on this journey right.  However, I was pleasantly surprised to have that much muscle.  It gave me motivation to get off my butt and get back in the gym that is exactly what I did and I've been going ever since I go Tues-Friday as I work 2 16hr shifts on Sat and Sun so those days are definitely out and I rest on Monday so it's out also but I've only missed 2 days so far.  My only wish is that I had taken my measurements before I started working out cause the scales have only dropped about 6 lbs.  which isn't great but I think my butt is flatter.
My DH says it doesn't need to be flatter smaller maybe but not flatter.  Ha Ha So today after a week of saying I need to measure I did and the measurements are as follows:
Chest     42 1/2
Bust        53 1/2
Waist      54
Hips        63 or 64 (my tape is 60 so go figure I'd run out of tape)
Wrist        7 1/4
Ankles     12
Thighs     32
Neck        15 3/4
Forearm  left 11 1/4   right 11 1/2
Upper Arms  left 16 1/2  right 17
Calves    left 19    right 19 1/2

If you are thinking I measured every thing possible then you are right I did and if you can think of anything else please let me know !  Ok so the exercises I'm doing are always the eliptical for cardio for 30 mins and then I weight machines not everyday and I do water aerobics twice a week.  I'm not new to the YMCA I've been going on/ off for years and I always feel like the odd man out like peps are looking at me going "WTH"  is she doing here??????  (Not everyone but a few) and for those of you who don't go because of that let me say this, Who Cares what they think .....The Gym will take you money just as easily are theirs and trust me alot of them are less dedicated to being there than you are!!! So my advice is GO GO GO Even when you don't want to do it!

Ok so I went to see my surgeon on the 12th and he said I'm a good canidate and that w/ my insurance it pretty much guarenteed approval (I have BCBS and he is a Center of Excellence). Honestly I thought I would be on my way to surgery by now.  I had all my medical records and I had done my Pshy eval a month prior and the Nut like I said before on the 2nd.  So it's been 2 wks and I'm wondering why I'm not got the call saying my info has been submitted to insurance. Patience Patience Oh well support group is tomorrow and I'll ask the Nurse Coordinator then....Also on a personal note I'm a CT Tech right...well I have to take my certification test tomorrow and I'm ssoooo nervous. I've been craming and just plain freaking out so wish me luck and say a prayer for me.  


This is only the Beginning.....

Dec 16, 2006

Let me first say that I'm a big hipocrite! You know that person that says "I would never....You don't need surgery if you wanted to really lose weight you would do it..." I realize now that it was just my defenses.  I so secretly wanted it but couldn't say the words.  So In Sept 06 I sent off for a packet from the surgeon's office to "just see what they say":) I have never really seen myself the way I truely am. I know I'm fat and have been my entire life but really did it hit me to the fullest extent.  Kind of like not realizing you've aged and then it's like BAMMMM! I know that my weight has not only affected my health but my self-esteem.  I'm worried about my health I'm scared to death of DIABETIES! I think I'm pre but to scared to check (BUT I will check before surgery).  Ok so here is my list (for now) of things I want to do after WLS:

1.I want to be picked up and carried even if just for a few yards.
2. I want to be able to roll around having sex not just switch positions but like one fluid motion. (OMG did I just type that)
3. I want to chase my kids and tackle them and not worry about breaking me or them in the process.
4.I want to kiss and have sex at the same time and be able to BREATH. lol
5.I want to learn to snow ski.
6.I want to roller skate and ride a bike again.
7.I want the "little black dress"
8. I want to dance and peps not think OMG
9. I want to wear a bathing suit and not feel like everyone is looking at me.
10. I want to take the stairs and not get winded.
11. I want my feet,legs, and back to not hurt.
12. I want to be as hot or hotter than my sister at least once.
13. I want my family to be healthier.

and more to come....

Ok so I've had my Psych eval and I've been to the PAVE class. I have an appointment w/ the NUT on 01/02/2007 and the surgeon on the 12th so I'm on my way.  And let me tell all of ya'll I'm so excited. I can't wait to see where this road takes me. 

About Me
millers creek, NC
Dec 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 4
The virtual me
Me Now and Later
Exercise,tests, and measurements!!!
This is only the Beginning.....
