Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago

The end of May 2015 I had gastric bypass surgery, so far I've lost over 100 pounds. It has been an incredibly trying process but in the end I'm currently at a "healthy" or "normal" BMI, I feel so much more healthy and am more comfortable in my own skin

Stacy C. uploaded 2 photos 8 years, 4 months ago

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

Hello all,

I am almost 6 months post op and am losing a ton of hair, I feel pretty bald. I am wondering how long everyone lost hair for and how much hair did you lose? Also, how long did it take for you to start regrowing hair? I had thin fine

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

I had my 3 month check up yesterday, I've lost almost 80 pounds, 53% of my excess weight. My surgeon and nutritionist were both blown away, they said that my weight loss reflects that of someone 6 months out. Yay!

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Do vitamin patches really work? Do all of the different vitamins absorb into your skin? I have been trying to research this and have not found much that show they are proven to work, even the website says "maybe". Does anyone use them and had their lab

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 10 months ago

Hello, I am just over 2 months post op and for the most part I do feel like I am VERY slowly getting back to normal but this past week has been a completely different story. I have no diet restrictions but honestly I still eat mostly soft food and my e

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 10 months ago

Hi all! I am leaving for Europe for 2 weeks on August 3rd. I am spending a week in Paris and a week in London. As it gets closer I am starting to stress about how it will affect my surgery progress. I am 2 months post OP and was hoping for advice or ti

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I just wanted to share with everyone my success, I have hit the 50 pounds lost mark! I still have a few to go but I am already feeling so much better! Yay!

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

So I am still just starting out my weight loss journey and I am wondering how much excess skin people have. My sister had a RNY about 7 years ago and she lost about 100 pound and does not have much extra skin. I am wondering how it has worked out for o

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I want to share this with all of you, my sister had a RNY about 7 years ago, she is an amazingly strong woman and has been my hero for as long as I can remember. She has a blog where she talks about her surgery along with other things. Feel free to che

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

Real quick question for my girls out there... I had my surgery on May 26th so I'm almost a month out and I haven had my period since a week before surgery. Is that normal? Anyone else have that issue? 

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I think I may be a bit backward but my goal weight for myself has alway been 160. That's what I weighed in high school and I felt great at that. By nutritionist said she thinks I could get to 135 and maybe settle at 140. Am I being too easy on myself?

Stacy C. posted a comment 8 years, 11 months ago
I'm the one in the middle, this was taken in Feb 2015 and this is...

Stacy C. uploaded a photo 8 years, 11 months ago

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I am new here and have posted a lot, oddly they are not showing so I hope this one makes it. I just want to say I love how supportive everyone is and I love seeing all of the success stories. It really give me hope because I feel sick and worn out all

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

Hello, just wondering if anyone had a lot of hair loss after surgery?

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I have been pretty sick from pretty much everything and feel like I'm not loosing much weight. I keep wondering if it is worth it and I feel a lot of regret. Is that normal? Anyone else wish they hadn't had the surgery? I had my roux-en-y on May 26th.

Stacy C. uploaded a photo 8 years, 11 months ago

Stacy C. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago


I had surgery on May 26th and I still feel nauseous whenever I eat and drink. I'm in the soft food stage of my diet but even things like yogurt and water still make me sick. I've tried cold, warm and room temp fluids but it doesn't seem

About Me
Jun 22, 2015
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Before & After
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Weight Loss 105 pounds

Friends 7
