The beginning...

Oct 15, 2011

Where to begin is the question I guess.  I joined this site because of my husband (a true hero in my eyes).  Johnny had gastric by-pass surgery on September 27, 2011.  He is currently three weeks post-surgery and doing wonderfully.  I was lead to this site by Johnny's cousin Laura and I really like this site thus far.  Actually, since joining the site today, I have decided I will share my weight loss journey as well. 

My son and I began a low carb diet on August 22 and thus far I have lost 20 pounds.  I have cut out all potatoes, rice, pasta, corn, etc.  It had been extremely difficult but I am loving the results.  I have also began walking on a treadmill everyday.  I have been working out on the treadmill for two weeks and I am getting ready to add weights to the workout scenario.

Also, my son and I are starting a medical weight loss program through our insurance program.  We will be meeting with a training, nutritionist and a nurse beginning on Monday.  It should be interesting!

About Me
Oct 15, 2011
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