1. Started at 5'3/5'4 and 365.....,310 pounds on July 31st 2006.2016 June 121.5 weight. No Post Op or Plastic Surgeries.

Recommended book to read before surgery: "before & after" by Susan Maria Leach.

 July 31-310 BMI: 54.9 Surgery day
Size 4x tight



Aug. 3108-294 BMI: 52.0


Aug. 24- 285 BMI: 50.4

Aug. 27-282 BMI: 49.9

Sept. 4-280 BMI: 49.5 Est. One month

Sept. 9-276 BMI: 48.8

Sept. 12-273 BMI: 48.3

Sept 18-271 BMI: 48.0

Sept. 20-268 BMI: 47.4

Sept 21-266 BMI: 47.1

Oct. 4-260 BMI:46.1 Est. two months

Oct. 19-254 BMI: 44.9

Oct. 21-253 BMI: 44.8

Oct. 26-249 BMI:44.1

Oct 29-248.2 BMI: 42.9

Oct. 31-246.2 BMI: 43.6 Three months

Nov. 5-241.6 BMI: 42.7

Nov. 11-240 BMI: 42.5

Nov. 18-237 BMI: 42.0

Nov. 25-235 BMI: 41.6

Nov. 31-232.4 BMI: 41.1Four Months Men's size 44 pants and women's size 24

Dec. 5 - 230.2   BMI:40.7

Dec. 7 - 229.4   BMI:40.6

Dec. 9  -228.2   BMI:40.4

Dec. 10 -227.6   BMI:40.2

Dec. 15-226.2   BMI:40.0

Dec. 16-225.0   BMI: 39.9

Dec. 17-224.4 BMI: 39.7 

Dec. 19-223.6 BMI: 39.5 I put on (standing up) a men's pants 42 today!

Dec. 26-220.0 BMI: 39.0 Wore the 42's today.

Dec. 30-31-219.2 BMI:38.8  Wore Miss Jr. size 21 and Miss Jr. Size 18  FIVE MONTHS

Jan.4-217.6 BMI:37.2 Seven more pounds to go! to 100 pound lose.

Jan.6-216.0 BMI:37.0 Six pounds to go to 100 pound loss. I swam for the first time since surgery. I joined a health club.

Jan.7-215.4 BMI:36.9 Five pounds to go to 100 pound loss.

Jan.10-213.6 BMI:36.5 Three to go (100 loss). 63 pounds to Goal. (150)

Jan.12-212.6 BMI:36.3

Jan.15-210.8 BMI:36.0 100 POUND LOSS SINCE SURGERY!!!!!!!

Jan.19-209-BMI:35.9 101 pound loss




310 Pre-Op

 176 pounds


 Jan.21-208.8 BMI: 35.7

Jan.24-207.8 BMI: 35.5

















Jan.26-206.2 BMI:35.4

Jan.28-205.2 BMI:35.2

Feb.1-204.0 BMI:35.0 SIX MONTHS POST-OP

Feb.16- STILL 204.0 First plateau

Feb.19-201.0 BMI:34.5

Feb.20-200.4 BMI: 34.3

Feb.21-199.4 BMI:34.2

Feb.22-197.2 BMI:33.8  
















Feb.25-196.2 BMI:33.6

March.15-196 STILL

March.19-197-203 STILL...... GRRrrrrrrr

March.22-194.6 Lose finally but had tooth extracted and can't exersice for several days. This Sucks!

 March 24-194.0


















April.27-186 to 190 still stalled here (fluctuated)


April.29-This morning I was 186 and this afternoon I am sure to weight between186 and 190.


May.3-186-189 (picture Below) Size 12m tight or baggy 14m

May.11-185-191 I graduate tomorrow with my BA degree.

May.23-184 FINALLY!!!

May.26-182- Thats so Cool I am fininally lossing But for how long?

June 11-179 pounds. A loss of 131 pounds.

June 16- 177.4 A loss of 133 pounds. 3 pounds to overweight.

June 18-176.4 --- --- 134 down 2 pounds to overweight and 27 pounds to Doctors goal. I wear a size 12 jeans But can also wear slightly tight a size 10 Regular.  Sizes for women are crazy. 14W,14m... nOW ITS 10 M and 10R and 11 Jr.... This is so fun. As for shirts I still wear shirts that are too big a L and XL. They are just so comfortable. I'll try on shirts soon and find out for sure what I wear. My hopes are to be an 8 by July 30th. I hope to be closer to goal. But I hear that you have 18 months to loss the weight. So since I am finally lossing again and am in a size 10 I should be able to make it. I have also noticed that one pound or even a half a pound when your smaller is a lot of weight. It can make the difference between one size and another. What a wonderful and interesting journey this has been.

June 21- 175.8 and counting.

June 22- 174.8

June 26-172.6 /// SIZE 10 jeans/pants How incredable. Maybe I will loss two more pounds by the end of the months so I can say
I have lost 140 pounds. I am 19 pounds away from BEING HALF THE SIZE I WAS. I can't wait to say, "I am half the women I used to be". LOL

July 05-175 Day Time weight. I am not really moving in weight right now. It is hot here and I wonder if I am not moving enough water or what. I will keep track and hopefully I will continue to loss. It is fustrating to be not reallu over weight yet during the day. That four pound fluctuation really gets me. These days I am often sad. I am really struggling with the emotional effects of drastic weight loss and the loss of food and figuring out what it is I need to do to just live a life where weight is not the center of attention. Yet I want this weight off so SOO SOOOOOO soooo bad. I need to loss no less than 23 pounds. I am also ecited to see finally the huge HUGE difference I see now in what I was verses what I am now. I so need to figure out how to get in excersises. I am so weak. I have lost so much muscle mass. I need to figure out how to get to my goal so I can work on muscle development.

July19-167 and still lossing. Slow but happening. I have a total loss thus far of 143 pounds and a goal of a loss of 28 pounds in the next 6 months. I then hope to stablize and seek out plastic surgery. Who knows though.

July 25-165 and still going. 10 pounds away from being HALF THE WOMAN I WAS... LOL... and  25 pounds to MY goal!!!!!

July 31- 165 One YEAR 2007    

Aug 11- STILL between 165 and 170. I am so disappointed.      

Aug 28- I have finally lost... I now am AM weight 160 and day time 162. I have lost about 150 pounds now and hope to loss another 20 pounds. I am 11 pounds away from my Surgeons goal weight. 

Aug 30- I am now 159 and have lost 151 pounds since day of surgery. I am almost half of what I was in weight and am 10 pounds away from surgeons goal weight for me. I am 19 pounds away from my goal weight. Keeping in mind that I have a lot of losse skin. I wonder where I will be at 18 months post-op. Life is just so exciting right now in so many ways. I have been having some troubles with adjustment and changes. I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Sept 14- Still around 159.

 Sept 26th- I am so fustrated. I seem to be stuck floating between 163 and 158 depending on what I am wearing and what time of day it is. I don't understand why I am stuck here. Is this it? Am I going to stay this weight? What can I do to change that? I have thought about going back too just protein drinks for a week. I eat hardly anything. I guess I need to pick up the physical activity pace hu? Don't get me wrong now I think that 160 on me is okay. I am overweight according to the BMI but wow what a difference and what a journey thus far. I so want to loss about 20 more pounds. I wish I had guidance. My surgoen has moved and no longer has his private practice. I am alone and there are very few people here who know of WLS. The medical people here are really not up to speed either. Its a headache to get B-12 and labs and they really do not see the issues I have with common medical concerns after WLS since they do not know. grrr with the medical model. I am fustrated with things. 

Oct 8- 157.4 Every time I go on a trip I loose weight. Not having access to treats and food and being busy is my guess. So I have 17.6 pounds to loose!!!!

Oct. 11th 2007- 155.8/ 156 rounded up. Thats a HUGE LOSE. I am WOWed. When I hit that 155.0 I will be Half the women I was. How cool.  I have 7 more pounds to loose to get to my surgeons originial goal for me. I have 16 pounds to my personal goal. 
So what has changed to cause a pound lose so quickly? I quite going to starbucks for a grande nonfat two pump mocha. I started making them at home where I can control the amount of stuff I drink and whats in them. I lost this one pound overnight and one day of no startbucks. This is a little concerning in that what if I loose one pound a day for the rest of my life LOL. no really I can't weight/wait to loose it. and I may just need to learn how to consume more food instead of all that drinking. This is so cool. What a trip this has been. I have had very few problems. I am B-12 dificient and have switched to sublingual B-12 instead of shots. I hate needles and just can't imagine that I see a doctors office for the rest of my life every month. That gets spendy like starbucks LOL. I am fasinated wih my new found body. I caught myself unknowingly fondling my collar bone while I sit in class. Feeling and looking at tendons in my hands and neck and feet. This is crazy!!! I have never seen me like this before. It is hard to look in the mirror and see such a pretty lady and be fasinated at the idea that that is me. I look for my shadow my reflection in windows and am just amazed. I love my saggy skin and such. I love them because they are part of me. I made a joke thats physical comedy. I stood in the litchen and asked my partner have you seen my old self? I drew up a hand full oof skin from my side and said see there she is. I enjoyed that. No one recognizes me when they walk past. If I am alone in public people I know just walk by not knowing. This is just great. I have acheived many personal goals since my surgery. an AS degree, a BA degree, and am working on a master degree. With this is my new body, my new physical feelings and a sense of depression and sometime joy. All of lifes challenges. I am still having a hard time with transitional things. Behaviors from old. I hope to start counseling soon so that I may have someone to talk to. I wish I knew someone here like a support group but we do not have anything like it here. Not enough people interested I guess. I will think about starting one. no one else could possibly understand how cool it is to be able to reach things touch things and do things never done before in my cognitive years. I can't ever recall being able to do half of what I do now. Though I am still very weak! physically. I have lost muscle mass. interesting anyways WOW!

Nov. 3,2007: I weigh 152.2 pounds. I am so close to my surgeons original goal for me and my goal also. I am 15 months post-op and still lossing. While I still see myself as fat  wonder how mentally I can se my self as fat yet I wear a size 6 pants or 30 mens jeans. Thats just craze LOL.

Dec. 4, 2007: I am still around 152 to 156 on any given day. I am most comfortable in a size 8. I am having back problems and am still very weak. I have increased my movements in the last few days. Over all I take poor care of myself often around money problems. I am in a Master program and am working hard to acheive that goal. My hopes are to find a place I belong. It has been a difficult journey and I am adjusting slowly. It takes time to mentally catch up with yourself in this kind of process. 

March 1st, 2007: I have been down with the flu and have lost 9 pounds in 4 days. been really ill. I had between Dec and now hung aroung 160. I am on that verge of my goal. despite acheiving threw illness LOL. I'll take it anyway I can get it LOL Feeling better today but realized hat after feeling sick and flu and all my pouch has strunk again. back to fluids and soft foods and working into harder foods again. I had to go to the hospital to due to dehyrdation and constapation. had to have a colen flush and IV. feel in good now though.  I just could not keep up with enough water vs flu.

March 4, 2008: Currently 149! I finally made it to the first goal at 20 months Post-Op. I have 9 pounds to go to my Personal Goal.

Sept, 2008- I have stopped and maintained at 160 pounds. I am often fustrated with it but what can I do. I am stuck here that last 11 pounds staying far from me. it seems so no ganna happen. Oh well other than taht life is good. I still live on a resticted diet and am in physical therapy for muscle mass loss and weakness. I have many back problems that were priviously masked or resticted due to fat holding me up. I feel so fustrated with the sow process of recovery here two years out. I so wish I had a better support network on this topic and I so wish I could get through school and find a career that will pay enough income to cover the basic health needs I have.

About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
prior to surgery date July 24, 2006
244 Pond Loss and 20.3BMI 2016 No Post Op Or Plastic Surgeries.

Friends 55

Latest Blog 6
