Time for a blog!!

Feb 09, 2011

So I havent posted anything in a little bit. I have let my life get out of control. In general just my life. Today I woke up determined to change my life and get back on track. Me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday, ya it hurt bad and it hurts today still, but .... when it comes down to it, he didnt really treat me great. He didnt really deserve me. Sure I think well will I meet someone better? Oh well it is what it is, What it is, is.... over! He used me for my money and my car and well me. He spent money i didnt have and now my bills are behind. How did i let a guy come in and turn my life upside down. I stopped working out, thank god i still lost weight without working out, without eating right. I did eat small though. I let my work fall behind not following my ethics. I am ashamed of me. ... But today is another day, its time to take charge of my life again.  Time to let him walk away if thats what he wants. chose another girl over me! Well she can have him. Truth is... best revenge i can have is to let her keep him, cause a REAL MAN cant be stolen. Its time for me to have my life. God knows more than I do, Im sure all this pain will be worth the blessing I get in the end. I am going to get back on track. Im taking this week to plan and chill and heal from my heart being hurt. So I can start full force on my life again.
I have to get myself out of this... no more bad men. no more hopeless cases, or works in progress. I date only full functioning men now. I will work hard at work and with myself for me and my goals. I will look damn HOTT  by summer. I wont do this anymore! I will be strong and confident and I wont let you hurt me, I wont let me hurt me for you.

Bring on My Life


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Sep 15, 2009
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