199?!?! Are you out of your Mind?!

Jun 13, 2011

Wonderful News!!  I hit 199!  Wonderland, here I am!  It is almost surreal because I have not been anywhere near this weight since grade school!  I am truly blessed!
1 comment

Got my Blog up and running!

May 01, 2011

 Please check out my blog at:


I am on several sites so I figured one blog would help centralize my thoughts!  

Please check it out!

VSG Diet Parameters

Apr 21, 2011

 I had a chance to speak with the dietician that works with my surgeon and she helped me zero in on what my parameters are and I wanted to share them with you!

Calorie: 600-800 depeneding on amount of exercise

Liquids: 64oz at minimum
Carbs:   40gms or less a day
Fats:      30 gms or less a day
Proteins: 70g or more a day
Meal goals: 3 meals a day

Sample meal:
am: one egg
lun: 1/4-1/2 yogurt or cottage cheese
pm: 2 oz protein first then some veggies.

What do your parameters look like??


One Month Post-Op and have set goals in mind

Apr 17, 2011

 I am one month post op and my surgeon told me my goal is to lose 60lbs by my 90 Post-op date of June 15th.  This date is symbolic because it is also my wedding anniversary, 9 years ago that day I married my best friend and soulmate.  It will be a great pleasure to reach that goal and celebrate my loss on one of the most important days of my life.  So here are my goals:

My Weight Goals are:

·         To be 199lbs by May 15th (2month Post-Op).

·         To be 185 (3 months) June 15th

·         To be 165 (6 months) Sept. 15th

·         To be 135 (9 months) Dec. 15th

My Exercise Goal:

·         Workout 5 days a week with weekend activities with the Family

·         Begin Couch to 5k on Week 10.  May 16, 2011

·         Run a 5k at the end of Couch to 5k Program- End of July –NEED TO FIND ONE!

My Goal Dress:

·         The one I brought 10 years ago.  I want to be able to finally fit it!!!!!


My goals to ensure I make my goals:

·         Use Spark People to record food/liquids

·         Count Calories

·         Drink 64oz liquids daily

·         Take Vitamins daily and on schedule

·         Drink Protein Shakes

·         Get 70-85 grams of protein in dalily

I start my exercise schedule tomorrow and I cannot wait to start the couch to 5k program!!


I got my surgery date!!!

Mar 05, 2011

After my initial consultation in December 2010...I finally got my surgery date for March 15 2011!!  I am so excited!!  I can finally see the light at the end of the dark tunnel!  My weight has been my burden for 28 years and at age 33 I am happy to say, I think this time will be successful!!

About Me
Dec 08, 2010
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 5
